A bit warmer today, with the sun shining brightly, and currently there is no wind. We got up to frost on the roof tops and on the grass. The big, bright shining moon showing the glistening crystal of the frost, looking like tiny diamonds layering the rooftops. So pretty, so cold. I believe we had a temperature of 33 degrees.

Tomorrow morning should be about the same, but then it is to warm up to high 60’s, maybe 66 or 68 degrees. It is 62 here right now, and that is pretty good considering I have froze all week. Even Sierra has been curled up in her kitty bed on the windowsill, in the sun. The winter clothes are coming out and we are getting prepared for winter. Me more so then Tina. She just freezes at work as they keep it cool their because of the computers., of which they have a zillion of them I am sure. They all have sweaters, jackets and blankets at their desks.

Last nights stew was very good and we finished it up for lunch. I didn’t make as much as I thought I had. Tonight we are having a tuna rice veggie casserole. I had some broccoli and asparagus I needed to use up. Tina suggested the rice and tuna casserole with the veggies. I will put grated cheese on top and I believe it will be good.

Today I got caught up with all my stories. I was so far behind because of the computer acting up, me being not feeling up to par, blankets to make and get out, and the house to keep up with. It has been a busy month so far, and add the end of last month to it. The flood in 8 of our counties plus north Carolina added to the confusion and things that needed to be done. What a month!!!

Now that I have caught up with my stories I will attempt to do all my e-mail and empty them. I have something like 600 again. They need to be done daily and then probably twice daily. I am going to try and seperate how they are stored once they come in. Put the ones I am interested in in one file and the adds and begging ones in another . Oh, and one for the political in a third. I hope that can be done. It would make deleting much easier.

Quote of the day: “The true way of softening one’s troubles is to solace those of others.” Madam De Maintenon, 1635 – 1719. French Queen.

“Our hearts ache, but at the same time we have the joy of the Lord. We are poor, but we give rich spiritual gifts to others. We own nothing, and yet we are enjoying everything.” II Corinthians 6:10

Have a great rest of your day. Make it a thankful, cheerful, kind, enjoyable, profitable, productive and fun day.



Winter is giving us a hint of its cold weather. Today is day three of the cold, windy, partly cloudy taste of winter. Our low this morning was 40 degrees and the high, right now, is 55 degrees at 3:00 p.m. I do believe that is going to be as high as it gets, and that is more then the weatherman said it would be. I am not complaining. But, BURR in the morning. It will be close to, if not, freezing again.

The weekend was nice but very busy. Saturday we did the things around the house that needed to be done…the things that it takes two to do, or bigger projects that are still in progress. We did some grocery shopping in the afternoon, got the car washed and filled with gas. That is MY car. I hadn’t drove it in two weeks so it needed an outing.

Sunday we went to church and then to the play in the afternoon…”DIAL M FOR MURDER”. It was very good. WE enjoyed it a lot and are now eager for the next one in December, “CINDERELLA”. It is a small playhouse with local talent, and so far all the plays that we have seen have been good. After the play we came home and relaxed for the rest of the day.

Monday morning Tina had a procedure scheduled for 7:00 a.m., in Knoxville. That meant I had to go with her as she needed a chauffeur. I didn’t mind as I would have to drive the Tesla, and I was looking forward to that. So off we went in the chilly (freezing) morning air, still dark and there was traffic. She drove there, so that wasn’t bad. We were able to valet park and that was perfect. We were a bit early, but she had to check in and that took a bit of time. Once we were in the correct area and waiting room, she signed in there and then came and sat down with me. I chose a comfy chair by a end table with a lamp on it, as I planned on reading while I waited. It didn’t take long for them to call her back, so I started in on my book. I was very comfortable with my coffee from home and my book, ,”ROOTS OF WOOD AND STONE” by Amanda Wen. It is so good. I managed to read 6 chapters while she was captured by the doctors and nurses in the other part of the building. Time passed quickly and I was surprised when the lady said that she was awake and I could go back now. When she got dressed and was wheeled out to the car, we went to Cracker Barrell for breakfast as we were both hungry. She was also ready for a cup of coffee. After breakfast we looked around the store there and admired all the pretty things they had, then paid the bill and came home. We didn’t buy! So strange for us. I hope some of that stuff goes on sale after Christmas as there were a couple items that we both liked and would like to add to out Christmas stuff. Some that we have had for many years is wearing out and needs to go so we could replace and it would be O.K. By the time we got home it was doing all the stuff we didn’t get done in the morning and that needed to be done, then just sit and relax for a bit.

Yesterday, Tuesday, I did laundry and that was about it. Dinner was leftovers and clean up the kitchen. I went upstairs early as I was tired and hadn’t felt top notch all day.I think it had to do with one of the new meds the doctor gave me. I didn’t take it today and feel just fine, so will see how it goes tomorrow .

Today has been good. I have caught up with all the e-mails on the computer, know I haver stories to finish writing, answered a couple of notes, made stew for dinner tonight, got stuff ready for Crafts tonight, and that is it.

Quote of the day: “People see God everyday. They just don’t recognize Him.” Pearl Bailey, 1918 – 1990. American Singer.

Have a great rest of your Hump day. Make it a positive, cheerful, productive, kind, and fun day.



Another beautiful October day in East Tennessee. sunny, warmish, breezy, and clear. At3:55 p.m. the temperature is 72 degrees. Very nice. This morning it was on the chilly side. So much so that I turned on the heat! This house takes forever to warm up as our condo or town house is in the middle so only have windows on the northeast and southwest side, and right now the sun doesn’t get to the front windows until about 10:00 a.m. I can tell when the sun hits the front windows as Sierra heads for her bed on the large windowsill.

It is Friday and the weekend is here. We don’t have plans for going anyplace. Tina said that she is making blankets and doing diamond art. She has some yard work to do and bird feeders to fill. Jerry filled the camera bird feeder this afternoon so that helps. It is on a high pole, so a stool or ladder is needed. I know that the birds will be happy in the morning.

My plans for the weekend are to get caught up on my writing, and help Tina with the blankets. We have a million to do. Well, maybe not quite that many, but it sure seems like it when I look at the four large bags and one large tote filled with tie blankets to be made. I think the hospital 100 hundred is completed. I know that she has two to make that were requested, then I believe she will start making them for the Helene Hurricane victims. Oak Ridge is requesting new or gently used blankets for those people who defiantly need them. These are warm and not heavy, wash nicely and can be rolled up so easy storage. We will see how many we can get done by the 17th.

There is a big collage football game tomorrow evening, so half of Tennessee will be there. The Vols play Florida. We lost last Saturday and that was a shame. So, sure do hope that they win tomorrow. We will keep track of the game on the TV, and enjoy the comforts of the recliner while we do so. Because the fans are so great here, the stadium will be packed and parking and traffic will be horrendous . That makes home a great place to watch the game. Go Vols!

Quote of the day: “God has put into each of our lives a void that cannot be filled by the world. We may leave God or put Him on hold, but He is always there, patiently waiting for us….to turn back to Him.” Emilie Barnes, 1938 – American Speaker, writer.

Have a great rest of your Friday, and a wonderful weekend. Fill it with adventure, enjoyment, relaxation, and fun. Make it a safe one.



Another beautiful day. sunny, breezy, and 72 degrees at 3:01 p.m.. Sierra is enjoying watching the leaves dance across the lawn. The chipmunk is also out playing which entertains her also. I haven’t sen the squirrel, so don’t know where he is hiding. I think he is waiting for one of us to fill the bird feeders up. Both Bill’s and ours are empty. They will be filled on Saturday, I believe.

Today I am cleaning house. You know the routine, dust the furniture, vacuum the floors, clean the bathrooms, mop the floors. All that is the easy part. I need to sweep out the carport, and am wondering if it is worth doing as the wind is blowing and the leaves from across the turnpike will just keep coming in. I have the same problem with the front as the leaves from across the street come and gather at the front door. However, it always looks so nice when they are swept. Also have the glass storm doors to clean. They are always full of fingerprints. I am down to the doors and sweeping.

Crafts was fun last evening. We had 7 ladies there and made a total of 5 blankets. I believe that makes the 100, and that project is done as far as they are concerned. I am not sure what they will want to do next. I know that Tina wants to make more blankets for the flood victims, and for the nursing homes here in Oak Ridge. The Knitting group is making scarves and hats for the flood victims as well as the homeless now. There is so much need everywhere it seems. The Milton, the last hurricane that hit yesterday, just added another few thousand to the list of people needing basic supplies. It is something else. Yesterday’s mail contained four “donation” letters. I get two or more each day it seems.

Tonight’s dinner is an avocado salad with, maybe,chicken. Tina bought this bag of salad and it has to be used as today is the deadline. I don’t want to throw it so will use it and add chicken to it. The weather is getting cooler now so the time for summer salads is passing by and fall foods will become the norm for while. Stews and soups and roasts, etc. Beans and Cornbread, etc. I do believe I am ready.

Quote of the day: “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” Eleanor Roosevelt, 1884 – 1962. American First Lady. Humanitarian.

Have a great rest of your Thursday. Make it an interesting, educational, productive, positive, enjoyable and fun day.
