FRIDAY, MAY 27, 2022

Friday, May 27, 2022 Cloudy Breezy Possible Thunder Storm, 65 Degrees 4:46 p.m.

A very weather active Friday. We have had thunder storms, sunshine, clouds, wind, just rain, and down pours. The plants are over well watered and the roses look beaten. All need attention and I will probably go out and work a bit on the roses at least. The canella plant has grown a foot and is doing well. We have no mosquitoes out front. I am going to get one for out back also.

I am in hopes that the rain is over with for now and that the sun will come out and dry things off. Here we have had no flooding. No trees down and I haven’t heard of any major damage. Kentucky seem to get the brunt of the storms. They had a tornado last evening I believe. Key have a Knox County and that seems to get the major storm warnings along with other parts of Kentucky, North Carolina and on up the coast. I hate hearing about the damage from the tornadoes and sever thunderstorms.

The picture above is our trip to the hockey game in February or March. It is, from left to right, me, Dottie and Tammy. Tina took the picture. That was a fun outing. We plan to do that again but have no clue when. Our next outing is planned for June and a trip to Williamsburg, Kentucky, . to shop at the Amish market and also site see. The area has a lot of historic places as well as beauty. The Amish make the best jams. And each area seems to have their own Amish towns and the jams are different, even with the same names. I think it is the soil that the berries and fruit are raised in. They are very industrious people. Their furniture is absolutely breathtaking.

Quote of the day: If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion. The Dalai Lama Religious leader.

Have a fantastic, enjoyable, friends and family filled, healthy, safe, and fun Memorial Day weekend. Please don’t forget the reason for who and what we celebrate Memorial Day.


THURSDAY, MAY 26, 2022


Thursday, May 26, 2022 Cloudy Rainy Windy 73 Degrees 5:03 p.m.

We were woken this morning by what sounded like a 747 plane hovering over the house. I finally woke up enough to realize that wasn’t likely so got up and looked out the window. The rain was coming down so hard and fast I couldn’t see the end of the carport much less across the street. That was quite the wake up call. Both cats went into hiding and Tina came to look out my bedroom window as she was a bit wary of the big cedar tree falling. I have no fear of that as it looks well grounded with roots going clear to China I am sure. She couldn’t see past the tree from her window.

The next thing was to go down stairs as Milo thought that since we were up he should get his breakfast. It was close to 6:00 a.m. so might as well accommodate him, and Sierra. Tina went down to do that and turn the coffee on. We had to get a coffee pot replacement as we found a crack in the old one. Not a large crack and not one that goes through on either side. I washed the new one and got the coffee ready to be turned ou this morning. Well, the coffee pot was not quite the same one as the original, so didn’t quite hit the top thing that pushes against the coffee dispenser. She turned around and had coffee all over the floor and coffee bar, etc. It was a mess. She got to clean it us as I was still upstairs making the beds and getting dressed. She was making a new pot of coffee using the old coffee pot. I guess our old coffee maker has upgraded and they sent us what they thought would be the right coffee pot. We have now ordered a new coffee maker that will come with a new pot that will be just like the one they sent. That was we will have an extra if needed. Our old coffee maker is about five years old so probably time for a new one.

Quote of the Day: There is no greater joy nor greater reward than to make a fundamental difference in someone’s life. Sister Mary Rose McCeady Children’s advocate

Have a marvelous, cheerful, prosperous,, humorous and fun rest of your day.




Wednesday, May 25, 2022 Mostly Cloudy Rain Coming, 83 Degrees 5:48 p.m.

A cloudy but pretty day. There is a slight breeze and a dab of humidity. Not bad at all. We had rain during the night so all plants are very happy. The weatherman says that thunder storms are due again this evening, continuing into to tomorrow. We shall see. I don’t mind not having to get out and water as it saves on the water bill and my ability to get to the hose and water faucet. The terrain is a bit rough.

Pamela is coming over to play games this evening. We both won our share last night and neither of us did very well. I guess it wasn’t the night to play Yahtzee. We shall see what tonight has to offer. We could change games and see if we do better. We shall see when she gets here.

I am watching a gentleman who is working for the Post Office, delivering packages. He is having a difficult time finding addresses as some are tucked away on side roads so not visible on the main road. In other words, the house number is on the street side but the door is on the other side of the house, facing away from the street.

Quote for the day: One never knows what each day is going to bring. The important thing is to be open and ready for it. Henry Moore(1898 – 1986) Sculptor

Have a wonderful rest of your Wednesday. Make it memorable, thrifty, thoughtful and fun


TUESDAY, MAY 24, 2022


It has been a cloudy, cool and nice day. No rain since early morning but the thunderstorms will return this evening and night. This is to last through Friday, then we are to have a beautiful warm weekend. The rain is needed so not complaining. The veggies are looking great.

Not a great deal of news around here. Am looking to see what this pretty bird is that is new to our bird feeder. He is white and black, has a black cap and has white stripe in his gray/black wings. I think he might be a Tufted Titmouse, or possibly a Carolina Chickadee. He is very pretty and a good singer. He seems to get along with the Cardinals and the other birds that gather around the Cedar Tree Bird Condo and our dinning area. Together they make quite a choir when they are all singing. So pretty.

Tina is working swing this week, so I am doing laundry right now and working on my story for the week. The story is fun, and the laundry not so bad. It is nice to get it all done and out of the way. We are planning on going to Cosco one day this week as it has been a couple of months and it is time to stock up on TP and paper towels and Kleenex. If we can get there before they open and get a good parking place and among the very first in line, it isn’t bad at all. We can also have breakfast at THIRD WATCH, which is a great cafe for breakfast and lunch. I love their avocado toast. That is a big item back here.

Quote for the day: For the most part, fear is nothing but an illusion. When you share it with someone else, it tends to disappear. Marilyn C. Barrick Psychologist and writer

Have a great rest of your Tuesday. It is Taco Tuesday around here, so hope it is there also. Have a delightful evening willed with relaxation, enjoyment, and fun.
