FRIDAY, MAY 3, 2024

Friday, May 3. 2024 Cloudy Cool Still Rain coming 69 Degrees 3:35 p.m.

Yesterday was 87 degrees, and today I doubt we will hit 70 degrees. The weatherman has predicted thunder storms for this afternoon and evening with showers off and on all day. We had a shower this morning but since then we have had no moisture.These storms are to last on and off for the weekend and into next week.

Yesterday Tina said to be ready when she got here and we would go get what running around we needed to do done so as not to have to go out today or the weekend when it is storming. So I was ready and waiting for her when she got here. She had a couple of things to do before we left, but not enough for me to start anything. It was very warm, 87 Degrees, very sunny, and very pretty. we did pretty good, got all our errands done, grabbed a bite of dinner and got home about 7:30 p.m.

Today I have been working at doing odds and ends before getting the floors vacuumed and mopped. I was doing well until Pamela arrived. We played Canasta and it was fun. In the middle of the third hand Bill came over and showed us his latest computer program. He is a graphic designer as well as a retired travel agent. His latest is, ” FAITH BASED TRAVEL”. You can find it on the web. He did an excellent job,showing places all over the US as well as other places on the glob. He put this idea into being after hearing about Sharon’s granddaughter’s school music group going to NYC to preform, and hearing about the different church groups going to Israel and other places. If you get a chance, go on the site and see his creation and idea. I guess you could say that he is now a Faith Based Travel Agent.

Well, Pamela and I never finished our game as she had to leave to attend a friend’s graduation. She was looking forward to seeing her and her family, and witnessing her friend receiving a diploma for something to do with what ever major thing they do here in The Secret City”. Pretty awesome, I believe.

Now it is time for me to think about dinner and finish up the project I started this morning…..or at least put it away. With a rainy weekend starting, maybe I will get back to it.Sure hope your weekend is dry and pretty,

Quote of the day: “I am a big believer that you have to nourish any relationship. I am still very much a part of my friends’ lives and they are very much a part of my life.” Nancy Reagan, 1921 – 2016, American First Lady, Actor.

Have a great rest of your Friday, and a wonderful weekend. Make both a cheerful, kind, interesting, friendly and blessed three days.



Wednesday, May 1, 2024 Sunny, Clear, Breezy, Warm, 80 Degrees 5:07 p.m.


A beautiful spring day. It was foggy this morning but that disappeared around 10:00 a.m and the sun came out and has stayed the rest of the day. Very cheerful.

Not a great deal of news around here today. I talked to Dottie and teased her about her boot. I told her that it was a fashion statement and she was in fashion. She said that it isn’t bad except when she has to take Max out and go down the stairs, then back up the stairs. She really needs a hover-mobile so she can hover up and down the stairs with Max. They look great on TV shows. That would be fun as well as useful.

She is doing fine and although she isn’t happy about wearing the boot and not being able to drive, she does admit that her ankle feels a whole lot better when she wears it. Hopefully she won’t have to wear it more then six weeks.

Since I have to go to Crafts tonight I had better end this and get dinner over. it isn’t much, just leftovers. But we have to be there in an hour.

Quote of the day: “The God who created, names, and numbers the stars in the heavens also numbers the hairs of my head….He pays attention to very big things and to very small ones. What matters to me matters to Him, and that changes my life.” Elisabeth Elliot, 1926 -, American Writer. M. Martyred Missionary Jim Elliot.

Have a great rest of your Hump Day. Make it a specially cheerful, productive, pleasant and fun.


TUESDAY, APRIL 30,, 2024

Tuesday, April 30, 2024, Mostly Cloudy, Cool, Still, 71 Degrees 6:41 p.m.

We started the day with rain, thunder and wind. Then just wind and clouds, then a shower, then wind, then just clouds. Finally the sun came out, but played hide and seek with the clouds the rest of the day, including now. Tomorrow is supposed to be sunny and bright. We shall see.

Not a whole lot going on here today. Bill took his SUV in for the repairs from the accident last week. he got a Hyundai Tucson. It is lovely. It is a 2024 with 8000 miles on it. I really like it and so does he. But, it is a loaner until he gets his back. Since we are thinking of getting a new car in the near future, that is one we should look into. We both like Hyundai’s, and ours has done us very well. It is 14 years old now. We think it is time to think about a younger vehicle.

Dottie went to the doctor yesterday and now has a fashionable gray boot to wear on that foot with the cracked ankle. She was dreading having to get a boot but she said that it is comfortable and her injured ankle feels just fine in it. I am so glad. Now, I hope it hurries up and heals. I know that she does also.

Quote of the day: “Youth is, after all, just a moment, but it is the moment the spark that you always carry in your heart.” Raisa Gorbachev, 1932 – 1999, Russian USSR First Lady .

Have a super rest of your Tuesday. I hope it is a Taco Tuesday. Make it a good, cheerful, social, kind and fun day.


MONDAY, APRIL 29, 2024

Monday, April 29, 2024 Mostly Sunny Breezy Warm 78 Degrees 4:58 p.m.

A beautiful Monday. A very pretty spring day here in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. I feel so bad for the people who have been hit by the tornadoes and flooding. That is a bitter pill to swallow for those folks, the heart ache of loosing loved ones, the clean up of the homes and businesses, the wondering about what is next. My heart goes out to them and my prayers go up for them.

The weekend was busy and good. We accomplished a lot that had been put off because there was other things to do. We still have a few minor chores to accomplish but the major ones are done. Saturday, on our way home from Knoxville we stopped at the fruit stand and bought strawberries. Yesterday, after church, we went to Kroger’s and bought angle food cake. So this evening we will be having strawberry short cake. We got a small basket to start with but just might have to go Saturday and get a bucket of them.

Today Stanley Steamer came and cleaned all the vents, including the dryer vent. And got the HVAC ready for summer. It was a bit expensive but they did an excellent job. They spent nearly 3 hours and were looking at and taking apart and putting back together, cleaning everything. That included taking the dryer vent hose or pipe off and cleaning the dryer as well as the vent. That took a bit of time. I do believe we are set for another year or two. Maybe more. With all the pollen we have this year I know that it will help with the sneezing and runny noses.

Now it is time I headed for the kitchen as Tina will be home soon. This time of day arrives quite quickly at times.

Quote of the day: “A good laugh is as good as a prayer sometimes.” Lucy Maud Montgomery, 1974 – 1942. Canadian Writer. She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come. Proverbs 31:25

Have a great rest of your Monday. Make it a cheerful, productive, positive, and fun day.
