Tuesday, January 31, 2023 Rainy Cloudy Cold Still 43 Degrees 6:18 p.m.

The Rain in Spain is mainly on the planes, but the rain in Tennessee is mainly all over the state. they are saying to watch out for icy roads in the morning for a lot of the state, Kentucky, North Carolina,, etc. Our area should be just wet. Our low is to be 35 and the high around 45. We probably got close to an inch of rain today. West and East of us are getting the ice storm, snow and all the frozen stuff. My heart goes out to those people.

Here, dinner is over and the dishes are done. I have been busy all day. Started with cleaning the den and then go company so that pretty much ended that project. Once my company left I got going again and Joe-ee called. I hear everyone in the area where he calls from better then I hear him. He said that he is doing O.K. I am thankful for that.

Quote of the day: “A little boy took his pet iguana to school to show the other kids. If you’ve ever seen an iguana, you know it has a large flap of skin, called the dewlap, that hangs down from the neck. The kids asked what it was, and when the boy explained, a little girl said, :Oh! My grandma has one of those.”

My Calendar

Have a great rest of your Tuesday. Make it relaxing, enjoyable, interesting and fun



Monday, January 30, 2023 Cloudy Cold Damp Still 52 Degrees 4:48 p.m.

I must say we do get the rain here this year. Friday was nice after it quit raining in the morning. I got busy around here and didn’t get my blog done. I am so sorry. The sad part is I didn’t get out and do the rose bush or the bird feeder as I thought I would. I still have that to do. those two items are on my January to do list. I have to do it tonight or tomorrow. After the rain quits.

Saturday was sunny and cold. We got up and had our coffee, then dressed and left for Knoxville. We were going to meet Jerry and Tammy and Dottie and go to the chocolate festival, but after discovering that it was a lot of walking with booths for different vendor, then a place to sit down and sample each type of chocolate we decided to forgo those yummy calories. We, instead, went to Dottie’s. She was ready to go so off we went to COSCO. They were packed but Tina managed to get a parking spot after dropping Dottie and I at the door. After COSCO we went to Chewy’s for lunch. It was good. After having lunch we went to Walmart as both Dottie and us needed things from there. After leaving there we took Dottie home. She cut both Tina’s and my hair. She does such a good job. I am always amazed at how much hair she cuts off as it seems like I had just had it cut. It had been two months.

Sunday was a stay at home day and enjoy the rain!!! We watched Charles Stanley, had a big breakfast, did laundry, gathered all the trash and got it out ready for the garbage men. That was about it. Watched TV and read a bit, played on the computer, etc.

Today it has been write letters and do birthday cards. I seem to get to them at the very moment they are due. So I need to work on my timing of those items. i also want to start getting the Family Tree book together and in order. I need to add events and people, etc.

Quote of the day: “it’s tough to be at the age at which, when you go all out, you end up all in,” My calendar

Have a great rest of your Monday. Make it a cheerful, sunny, pleasant, productive and fun day.


Thursday, January 26, 2023 Cloudy Cold Windy 40 Degrees 1:55 p.m.

A very wintry day around here. The cold is the bone chilling cold that seems to seep into a person. I am in the house and am still cold. I am considering baking just to have a legal excuse to have the open on. I hate the thought of turning the furnace up as when it goes up so goes the electric bill.

Last evening we received the notice that our friend, Dottie, Dorothy Lewis, passed away on January 3rd. She had texted me and said that she was in the hospital and had covid. We texted a few times after that and then nothing. She was quite a lady with a dry sense of humor, quick wit, smart, energetic and fun. She was a retired school teacher and loved to travel so had stories of places her and her husband had been and the adventures they had. She and her husband, Jesse, volunteered with the Laughlin Metro in Laughlin Nevada. They were very active citizens in the community, helping out where needed. They were always at National Night Out in both Laughlin and Searchlight, attended many events in Searchlight as well. It was always fun working with them as they mingled well with all the adults and the children. After the death of her husband, and then a serious fall she too, she returned to Minnesota to be near her sons and their families. I will miss her texts, e-mails and occasional phone calls. I know her family will miss her terribly as will all her other friends.

Quote of the day: “A well – informed person… is somebody who has the same views and opinions as yours.” My calendar

Have a great rest of your day. Make it a warm, productive, cheerful, purposeful, and fun day.



Wednesday, January 25, 2023 Cloudy Windy Chilly 56 Degrees 3:58 p.m.

I missed yesterday. I left with Tina when she went to work. she dropped me off at Dottie’s. We enjoyed visiting and listening to her old records that she finally got out of storage along with her mother’s phonograph. It was such fun listening to the “good ole songs my the good ole artists”. It brought back memories of the Saturday night sock hop’s. what fun.

Tina picked me up for the doctor’s appointment. We were there early, about 5 minutes, and was called in about 10 minutes late. The good doctor (PA Emily) listened to why I was there, saw pictures of my face, sent me down the hall for a face x-ray. The fall of two weeks ago showed that I had indeed broken my nose. (-) and that it appears that was all the damage I did. She said that it was to late to tell if I had a concussion or not, but since I didn’t seem to of shown any signs of one shortly after the fall, I probably didn’t. ( Advised that I probably should of gone to emergency at the time of the fall.) I was fine, the only thing that really hurt was my ego. So embarrassing!!. I am happy to learn that I will heal and all the whispering headaches that come and go will slowly go away. It is the sinuses that were probably bruised that causes the whispering feeling. I have no other sinus issues. So, I am good as new, or rather close to. of.

Dottie and I spent the afternoon visiting and watching the guys place blocks under the single wide trailer and tie it down. That was interesting/ She said watching them move the trailer in was fascinating as she hadn’t watched that before. They did it with a remote thing that guided the trailer in and put it just where it was supposed to go. She put a pot roast on with potatoes and onion, etc. and it cooked while we chatted and enjoyed all the entertainment. We ate after Tina got off work and arrived. It was so good. Her skillet corn bread is heavenly.

This afternoon Pamela and Roxy came over and we played games. WE played Yahtzee. I won three games. Usually it is she that wins all the games. It was fun. she even brought lunch so it was a triple good afternoon. Lunch, winning games and Roxy. Sierra wasn’t happy with Roxy getting attention from me so thought she would get after her. That was not nice. She is now in her cat tree and pouting. no treats from me for awhile. She hasn’t taken after a dog that has visited us since she chased the German Shepard from the garage at the apartments in Las Vegas.

Quote of the day: “Lord, deliver us from war, pollution, and cellulite buildup.”. My calendar

Have a great rest of your Wednesday. Make it a marvelous, mischievous, magical, mystical, merry and fun day.
