FRIDAY, APRIL 29, 2022


Friday, April 29, 2022 Partly Sunny Floating Cotton Clouds 76 Degrees 5:39 p.m.

Friday and a day in Knoxville. We met Jerry for a late breakfast at Don Delfi’s Pancake House. They have great food and plenty of it. A very large menu and lots of choices for each meal. The prices were good as was the service.

After leaving there we went to Dillard’s where I finally found a pair of shoes. I am finding out that I can’t just go in and buy a pair of shoes because they are cute, but have to find ones that fit properly and have a good support and will go with most everything. Gone are the days of cute, in style, high heels. The flip Flops that are so trendy and cute are also not in on shopping radar any longer either. Now they are just good memories.

After there we went to Barns and Nobel for a book Tina wanted. There we had a frap and that was the end of it all. We both got upset tummy;s from that. We hurried with the rest of our errands and came home. We are missing a great “Hot Dog” spread at Jerry and Tammy’s tonight. That is SAD.! But I figure it will be bed early and dinner will be Pep-to Bismall! Tomorrow is another day.

Saturday, tomorrow, is Farmer’s Market for sure. What ever else I don’t know. Time will tell and it will be a great weekend.

Quote of the day: Keeping score of old scores and scars, getting even and one-uping, always makes you less then you are. Malcollm Forbes (1919-1990)

Have a wonderful rest of your Friday, and a fantastic, safe, healthy, and fun weekend.




Thursday, April 28, 2022 Sunny, Still Clear Blue Skies 75 Degrees 4:17 p.m.

A perfect spring day. People out working in their yards, the buzz of lawnmowers heard along with the singing of the beautiful birds. Kids outside riding bikes and playing ball. A lovely late afternoon.

Today Tina and the lady next door, Julie, planted the garden. There are some plants in a raised bed and some in large pots. I sure hope they grow and produce some excellent veggies for all of us to enjoy. I am especially interested in the Hearts of Gold cantaloupe that was planted this morning. I will be watching that one closely. That is the best of the melons. In Nevada, Fallon raised Hearts of Gold and people came from all over that part of the state just for the melons. So juicy and so sweet and so delicious.

Mr. Bumble Bee is out inspecting the garden and the other plants out there, checking on the flowers on the azaleas and the geraniums as well as the flowering vine. He is busy and friendly. He never bothers us if we are outside and he is around. He is big and beautiful as far as members of the bee family go.

The goldfinch has been here all day also. He(she) seems to come and stay for a day or so, then leave and be gone for several days, then comes back. So pretty and vocal. He was out dining with the cardinals and Blue Jays this morning. The warblers came and joined in the “breakfast crowd, then returned for lunch. I will have to wait and see if they come back for dinner.

Pamela is coming over to play games this evening, so have the card table ready. I am waiting for a phone call so can’t go running around and miss it. Do have paper and pen ready as well as games and score keeping pads and pencils. I am prepared, I think.

The Quote of the day: KNOW WHAT COUNTS No matter what you’ve done for yourself, or for humanity, if you can’t look back on having given love and attention to your own family, what have you really accomplished? Lee Iacocca, Automobile executive

Have a terrific rest of you day. fill it with energy, enthusiasm, excitement and fun.




Wednesday, April 27, 2022 Sunny Breezy Clear skies 69 degrees 5:47 p.m.

Wednesday, the middle of the week. As the camel says, “Hump Day”. this evening there isn’t much going on that I have heard about. Church services at several churches. Boll practice at a few fields, In Knoxville there is an opening play at one of the theaters and several sales at different stores. Here, we will have a quiet evening watching some TV and then bed. It is nice that tomorrow morning we don’t have to get up at 4:30. Of course, I usually sleep until 6:00 a.m. but occasionally get up at the same time she does. Especially on Sunday mornings.

The neighbor gal, Pamela, came over with her dog, Roxie, this afternoon. She was telling about the great pie she bought. She said it was a lemon pit with a fluffed up marshmallow top and was so light and fluffy and so good. Who new lemon could taste so good. We both laughed and told her that it wasn’t marshmallow on top, that it was meringue. She didn’t believe us and had to google it. She couldn’t imagine egg whites could taste so good. So we told her that the Soup Kitchen had the best Lemon Meringue pie around. I just wonder if that is where her and her dad went to eat tonight.

Quote of the day: Life is like an ever-shifting kaleidoscope—a slight change and all patterns alter, Sharon Salzberg Cofounder of the Insight Meditation Society.

Have a wonderful rest of your Hump Day. Make it a adventurous, exciting, enjoyable and fun time.




Tuesday, April 26, 2022 Sunny Windy Cool 67 degrees 6:29 p.m.

A cool but beautiful spring day here. We woke up to rain that lasted on and off until around noon, then it cleared up and was a pretty day. April showers will bring May flowers. The temperature dropped about 20 degrees from yesterday, and should be cool most of the week.

Not a great deal of news around here. Tina bought more dirt for the container garden and that should get going this week. Her and Julie are plotting and planting this garden so am looking forward to fresh veggies or seeing lots of animals in the yard. The deer are very interested in gardens and will probably visit theirs once it gets going. Here it is not usual to see deer in the yards, enjoying the grass, flowers, etc. I hate seeing them get hit by cars and that happens a lot. The deer are in town, all over the place.

this morning I enjoyed watching the neighborhood squirrel scampering around looking for seeds and whatever else he could find to eat. So far I haven’t seen him in the bird feeders so he either is a new squirrel or else he hasn’t been hungry enough to work hard to get into the feeders. I don’t think he can, but then, they are smart critters.

Quote of the day: Superiority: The truth is that there is nothing noble in being superior to somebody else. the only real nobility is in being superior to your former self. Whitney Young: (1921-1971) Civil Rights Leader

Have a nice rest of your Tuesday. Make it a peaceful, positive, productive and fun day.
