Thursday, February 29, 2024 Cloudy Still Chilly – Cold 47 Degrees 4:02 p.m.

The sun was out a bit this morning for awhile. then slowly the clouds sneaked in, very gradually, and our high temperature of 47 is all we will get today. it will be going down slowly while the clouds get grayer and the chance of rain gets closer. The weatherman said possibility of rain tonight through tomorrow morning, then again tomorrow night through Saturday morning. We will probably miss the Growl Parade as who wants to stand in the rain and watch a large group of costumed, wet and unhappy pups drag their people down the street in Old Knoxville?… However, I do hope they make good money as the proceeds go to the animal shelters here. I believe it is $20.00 to enter your dog in the parade. Or else you pay $20.00 when you get to the World Fair Park. I am not sure which.

Now I would be willing to pay $20.00 if Jerry and Tammy were entering their furry family in the parade. That would make the whole thing well worth the drive, the parking, the walking, etc. What a video that would make. Yes, I am on the dogs side.

I haven’t accomplished much today. I have been busy though. I was making cards this morning when Bill came over to get his mail. He sat and visited for a bit. Then I was back at making cards when I had to call Dottie with a message. Back to the cards when I got a text from Tina, reminding me that my phone went straight to voice mail. So I turned it off, the waited a few minutes and turned it back on. After doing that for nearly half an hour it finally decided I could make calls. So I returned Jimmy’s call. He had sent me a picture of their home that they had painted. It looks very nice. An improvement for sure. And they have flowers galore. Very pretty. other then that nothing new there. The weather had been bad there also, on and off, wind and rain. The weeds were growing well he said. Nicole wouldn’t let him use weed killer because it would kill all the flowers.

The TV’s haven’t worked well today. We keep getting “No Signal” so I am thinking it is the company. The phones work and so far the computers are working. Tina said they had problems with phones at work. It seems theirs were fine but a lot of the people calling in were having problems. I am blaming the weather.

Pamela came over this afternoon. Her dad’s Ha-vac wasn’t working so it was 58 in his house. She came over to visit and get warm. He had the repair man there this afternoon. I hope that he was able to get it going again. Pamela left there to meet her husband for a movie and dinner. She had the day off and he goes in to work very early so they can do a movie and dinner and still be home in time to enjoy the evening with the dogs and cat.

Today would of been my husband, James L. Walters, Sr.’s 96th birthday. He has been gone 21 years now. And our good friend, Verlie Doing, who’s birthday was today also, would of been 100. Happy Heavenly birthday to them both. They are missed.

Quote of the day: ” Women, if the soul of the nation is to be saved, I believe that you must become its soul.” Coretta Scott King, 1927 – 2006.

Have a great rest of your Thursday. Make it a dry, warm, cheerful, productive, and fun day.



Tuesday, February 27, 2024 Cloudy A Gloomy Day Breezy 67 Degrees 4:42 p.m.

The weather lady said that we would have showers on and off all day and into tomorrow. Also high winds. So far, no showers and just a breeze in the way of wind. I’m not complaining, but did miss the bright sunshine of yesterday. The cold front is due in tonight, I believe. Then we will be back to winter and sweater, coats, etc. It is still winter by the calendar so no complaints/

Last evening, after Tina got home, we went to dinner at the Cantina, then to Walmart. We needed the stuff to go under the area rug so that it will stay in place, and Tina needed a desk lamp for work as her overhead light is to bright. We got a few groceries that we forgot the other day. Like Bread! We were home by 6:45 or so so had time to watch part of the news and Finding Your Roots. That is on PBS and is very interesting. They have two guests and go back as far as they can to find their heritage.

Since we had Tina’s favorite meal last night, tonight we are having one of mine, Stuffed Pork Chops. They are in the oven cooking right now, and starting to smell pretty good. I haven’t made them for a long time so hope they turn out good. It will be the pork chops, stuffing and a veggie. Maybe gravy if Tina thinks she wants it. That is just extra calories and she is watching her waistline.

Nothing else new that I know of. I vacuumed, mop, and cleaned bathrooms today. Today was the downstairs cleaning day. Tomorrow will be the upstairs cleaning day, I think. That is all for this day.

Quote of the day: “There isn’t a man or a woman anywhere, I am convinced, who does not long for tenderness.” Elisabeth Elliot 1926 – American writer, M. Martyred Missionary Jim Elliot

Have a great rest of your Tuesday. Make it a tender, caring, cheerful, productive and fun day.



Monday, February 26, 2024 Sunny Breezy Warm Nice 72 Degrees 4:12 p.m.

A beautiful day, warm, pleasant, just a perfect pre spring day. Yes, spring is less then a month away. I think most everyone is ready for the April showers and the May flowers. I do know that it is still February and March is just around the corner. The question is? Will March come in like a lion? Just three and a half day to “wait and see”.

In our hunting for things I so carefully put away, and suddenly found, was two file folders. So this morning I decided to go through them and see just what kind of stuff I had stuck in them. Most of the stuff was important. A few papers were to be shredded, and that was accomplished. Then stuff for scrap books and albums, for ‘the family tree” and maybe things to be used in card making. It took most of the morning but I got it all put where it belongs and we now have one less file to put in the drawer. Of course, Sierra helped.

Yesterday was quiet. We both were on the lazy side, but I think it was mostly being tired. I know that I haven’t felt 100% because of my shoulder. It bothers me mostly at night so I don’t sleep well. That makes my tired and not as energetic as I want to be. We did get out rug for the TV room , (Thank you Jerry and Tammy for transporting it) and it is down and looks very nice. We have to get some rug things to make sure it stays in place. Sierra likes it. she can rung and hit it and slid. Such fun!!! When Tina gets home from work we will go and purchase that. We did buy rug tape, but when I read it, it said that when removing it would damage the floor or whatever surface it was attached ti. So, no, on that one.

Quote of the day: ‘Always stay connected to people and seek out things that bring you joy. Dream with abandon. Pray confidently.” Barbara Johnson, 1927 – 2007 American writer, speaker

Have a great rest of you Monday. Make it a peaceful, productive, cheerful and fun.



Saturday, February 24, 2024 Partly Sunny 42 Degrees Cold 8:21 a.m.

I am sorry that I have missed the past two days. Thursday this site wasn’t available and yesterday I wasn’t available. I am hoping that we are back to normal now.

Today we have errands to do. The car needs an oil change and all that goes with that, so there is at least an hour or more. Groceries are needed so there is another couple of hours. We are meeting Jerry and Tammy for breakfast and that is a high lite. We are going to buy a area rug for the TV room , and hope they still have the one we liked. If not, we will choose another one. Then in to Knoxville and Cosco. By the time we get home it will be put groceries away and jammies , a TV program, maybe, and bed.

Quote of the day: “No one can arrive from being talented alone. God gives talent, work transfors talent into genius.” Ann Pavlova, 1881 – 1931, Russian Ballerina

Have a great day. See you on Monday.
