Thursday, March 30, 2023 Sunny Breezy Clear 65 Degrees 3:02 p.m.

I am sorry that I missed yesterday’s blog. My computer got a message that I had a virus, etc. etc. etc.. I texted Jerry who said to turn it off and he would be by last evening to see what it was all about. Well, it turned out to be just a scare for me. If I would of called the number that this screen said to call I probably would of been in deep water. But I called Jerry and after he went through the computer with a fine tooth comb, all came out just fine. I am so thankful for him. I thank him so very much for always keeping me out of computer and phone trouble. I understand that I am not the only one receiving a bunch of phony and dangerous e-mail as well as phone calls. If I don’t know the number I don’t answer.

The weather is cool but very pretty. Tomorrow night we are to have thunder storms but they should move out by Saturday afternoon. We have no plans for the weekend other then to do things around the house. Some of those jobs that one puts off until another time as they aren’t that urgent or important. Well, now is the time to get them done as it is spring and time for some spring cleaning. Like the coat closet. And the “sewing room” which has gotten to be the catch all room. We call it the sewing room because the wall paper is needles, thread, sewing machine, etc. All of that is in there plus games, and pictures and crafts and bags and so on and so forth. We will probably say, “Surprise!” once we get in there and start pulling stuff out.

I think this evening we are going to figure out what we want to do with the flower bed out front. It is a bit sad and tired. We both have ideas of what we want it to look like and what we want in there but we also know that we want is as maintenance free as possible as neither of us can go out there and care for it as it should be. I can’t get on my knees so can’t really weed, garden, and care for it as it should be. Tina is a magnet for the mosquitos so ends up with bites galore. She is allergic to them so can get sick. A couple of years ago she ended up in the hospital thanks to some mean mosquito. I want to get at least two of the plants that the mosquitos dislike.

Tonight we are having stuffed bell peppers. I am hoping that the bell peppers are still good. the veggies don’t keep well here. I haven’t fixed stuffed bell peppers for many years so we shall see how this goes. I guess I had better get at the meal preparations.

Quote of the day: “Blessed are they that have nothing to say and who cannot be persuaded to say it.” James Russell Lowell

Have a great rest of your Thursday. Make it a day filled with energy, stamina, strength, patience, productivity and fun.



Tuesday, March 28, 2023

A partly sunny afternoon after a cloudy morning. So nice to see the sun. A bit cooler today with a high of 63 and a low of 49. This week will be cooler then last, but will still have its’ ups and downs. We are to be down in the 30’s tonight. Not bad as it is still March. Maybe it will warm up and March will go out like a lamb.

We had a busy weekend, and a good weekend. Tina spent a lot of time cleaning and filling bird feeders on Sunday afternoon. Today both are empty. The cow birds eat everything, and they come in droves. Tina went on line and also talked to natives and sound out that 1. they like bird feeders that have wide rims for them to sit on. 2. They don’t like the black bird deed, called oil seed. So this weekend we will put up the bird feeders that have the slim little bar for the birds to perch on and the half dollar size hole for them to get the food out. by then the cowbirds should be gone. Charles hasn’t filled his feeder again and Bill has the oil seed in his.

Saturday, Tina and I went to “The Apple Tea Room” for lunch. It was cute, charming and food not bad. The walls showed hand made quilts, pictures of ladies having tea probably in the 30’s and lots of small, memorabilia such as jewelry, nick knacks, lamps, pictures, etc. Some of the tables had a teapot lamp that was so cute. It was a fun experience. We had a sandwich then a slice of Apple Cake with vanilla ice cream.

After leaving there we went to a consignment shop and looked around. they had some very nice things and well displayed. The clothes were nice and mostly name brands such as Chico’s and NYC. It was fun to browse through.

After that it was time to tend to business so we went to Publix’s and did our grocery shopping. I enjoy that store as it is well laid out, the aisles are wide and everything is displayed nicely. The prices are comparable to Kroger’s and even Walmart. It is a shame that it is in Farragut and not in Oak Ridge.

Yesterday was laundry day. I got it all done, dinner prepared and had company on and off. I got in bed last night, woke up sometime around 3:00 a.m. and realized that I hadn’t don my blog! I wasn’t about to get up and do it at that time.

Today I have been busy with paperwork and on the phone. My sister-in-law called and tole me that her son passed away this morning. He was very sick, and I think he might of had that terrible flu that some have gotten. He also had diabetics. I feel so bad for her. Loosing a loved one is always hard, but loosing you child is at least doubly so. She asked that we please keep her and the rest of her family in our prayers.

Today, my youngest son’s grandson turned 3 years old. he is a cute, ambitious little guy so know that he will have a fun birthday. Happy Birthday Preston!

Quote of the day: “PRICELESS GIFTS TO GIVE FOR FREE” “The gift of affection: Be generous with appropriate hugs, kisses, pats on the back, and handholds. let these small actions demonstrate the love you have for family and friends.” My Calendar

Have a great rest of your Tuesday. Make it a cheerful, kind, charitable and fun day. Please remember all those who have experienced the loss of loved ones, homes, businesses, schools, churches, etc. This country has experienced a very heart wrenching past week, weekend, and start of this week.


Friday March 24, 2023

This is an addition

The Women’s Vols’ Basket ball team, who are in the Sweet Sixteen , play Saturday Night in Seattle Washington, against the Virginia Tech. MARCH MADNESS!


FRIDAY, MARCH 24, 2023

Friday, March 24, 2023 Partly Sunny Breezy Warm Nice 73 Degrees 4:30 p.m.

TGIF Well, it is Friday and warm and the sun plays hide and seek with the clouds. So nice to have a warm day. I believe yesterday’s temperature was higher but the wind made it cooler. Rain tonight into tomorrow morning. In this part of the world the sun doesn’t shine to much at night so hopefully it will shine again after the rain stops in the morning. Wishful thinking I am sure.

The weekend is upon us. Here, the Vols’ girl basketball team plays in the Sweet 16 game tomorrow in. I think then men’s Vols basketball team lost last night. I forgot about the game and stuck my nose in a book.

Tomorrow we are taking the remaining 3 screens from the front room windows to Ace Hardware and getting them re-screened. Then we are going to go invest in bird seed. These birds are eating us out of house and home. We now have Mr. and Mrs. Robin Redbreast hunting for worms and bugs in the grass. They must be getting a lot of them as the are getting plump. This year I believe the birdhouse that is in the dogwood tree will be occupied. I see a titmouse going in and out of the house. I think they will do better in the birdhouse in the tree then in a hanging plant in our little porch.

Quote of the day: “We need four hugs a day for survival. We need eight hugs a day for maintenance. We need twelve hugs a day for growth.” Virginia Satir

Have a great rest of your day. And a fantastic weekend. Make all safe, satisfying, enjoyable, healthy and fun.
