Friday, February 25, 2022 Sunshine Blue Jays Flying 46 degrees 5:01 p.m.

After a rainy morning and a cloudy first part of the afternoon, the sun has come out and is so pretty. There is a breeze so it is cool. Am enjoying the sun shine. The weatherman is warning of more rain ahead for parts of tomorrow and Sunday. We shall see.

After having a horrible nightmare early this morning I spent most of the day at the ER. My nightmare was of a big burly man crushing me, telling me to move off the property because he wanted it. He had a family! He had me pinned down and I was trying to fight him off with my left hand and arm. Finally I succeeded and he stocked away towards a pick-up truck with people in it. I woke up, of course, with heart palatalization and my arm was hurting. I finally got caught up with myself and decided it was time to get up. When I got down stairs I told Tina abut my dream and that my arm still hurt and I felt drained. We decided that it would be wise to go to ER and check to see if I had had a heart attack.

Once there, my blood pressure was 200 + over 89, so an EKG and blood work was the order of the day. After three tests of the blood (taken 3 different times), and a few blood pressure checks, the results was that I didn’t have a heart attack, and my blood pressure came down significantly, so I could go home but I have a cardiologist doctor appointment at 10:15 Monday morning. That was my Friday. After I was released Tina and I went to the Soup Kitchen and got clam chowder and a sandwich. Then came home. So good to be home!

The rest of the evening will be spent relaxing and watching a couple programs on television before bedtime. That I hope to enjoy a good and dreamless nights sleep tonight.

Have a wonderful rest of your Friday and a spectacular, safe, healthy, adventurous and fun weekend.




Thursday, February 24, 2022 Cloudy Rainy Under Flood warning 54 Degrees 5:29 p.m.

And the wind is up. It is a good day to stay indoors and pray that the water stays outdoors. It has come up to the door but then receded to the grass and then back again, a few times. this is to go on for the next day or two or more.

I understand that Las Vegas had snow flurries earlier and that the mountains are covered with snow. The whole United States is experiencing weird weather this winter. The hot then cold then hot again makes it hard to know what to wear. We dress normal but always have a jacket with us. And a rain coat and umbrella in the car. So different from Nevada.

I feel bad for the people of the Ukraine. I was hoping that Russia would of learned that war is not the way and would be satisfied with what he has. I am glad we are not going to war with them but do know that sanctions must be steep and swift and held firmly. All are in my prayers.

Time to go to the kitchen and think about dinner. Have a great rest of your day. Make it fun, warm, cheerful, and productive.




Wednesday, February 23, 2022 Water, Water every where. A sunny day after the rain stopped and the clouds moved out. Now it is sunny, 59 degrees and 5:55 p.m. The weatherman says that the rain will return tonight and continue into tomorrow. Our low was 56 degrees and our high was 65 degrees. No where near normal.

The water came up to the front door but stopped an inch before entering. We are so thankful. There is more rain on the way and the puddles haven’t totally dissipated but it is much better then it was this morning. The rain will be late tonight into tomorrow morning. Then more again on Friday and Saturday and Sunday. February is going out like a fish.

Today was laundry day, and I got it all done. That entails several trips up and down the stairs. I love when it is all washed, dried, folded or hung and put away. There is something nice about seeing empty dirty clothes baskets empty. One day I need to put up the ironing board and dig out the iron and press some clothes as well as doilies and such. It is something that I know is waiting for me to do. It is patient and just quietly hides and waits.

I am reading a book called “BULL COOK and AUTNENTIC HISTORICAL RECIPES and PRACTICES” by George Leonare Herter and Berthe E. Herter. It is filled with recipes from all around the united states including many of the Indian tribes. Some sound wonderful and some sound scary. The stories are great, funny, interesting and sometimes sad. I have tried a couple of the easier ones and they aren’t to bad. Of course, it is hard to ruin toast.

Time to get dinner going. Tina will be home shortly and I am sure hungry. She is now a full time employee and that makes for a long day. Also, not much of a chance to snack. dinner will be appreciated.

Have a wonderful rest of your day. Make it a busy, industries, profitable, pleasant and fun day.




Tuesday, February 22, 2022. 02-22-2022 WOW! Calm Raining, 58 degrees, 4:39 p.m.

Today has been, for the most part, rainy. We had a brief period late this morning into early afternoon when it wasn’t raining. The rain started sometime after midnight and was still raining when we got up. We are under a flood watch and parts of the East Tennessee area is under sever storm watch and warning. Its Winter. I will probably walk up and get the mail after I send this off. We are to have rain mostly through Friday morning so no sense putting off getting the mail. And I am sure I won’t shrink!

I know that spring is right around the corner. We have a robin who has been sitting on the butterfly chair in the flowerbed out front. He sets off the “blink” camera so I see him sitting there, watching for worms or whatever bug he can get. We will put the birdseed back out once it quits raining but it isn’t good when it get all wet and mushy. The wind blows the rain into the bird feeder. I think maybe he is waiting for his mate or friends. So far, he is alone. We do have a cardinal that I have see a couple of times in the past week and also a bluejay. Of course we have doves.

Tina has been trying to make an appointment to get our hair done. she has called several times and kept getting the recording that the the phone had been disconnected. This morning we took a ride over to the beauty shop. Jill was in there and so happy to see Tina. Her phone had been disconnected and taken away from her because she hadn’t paid the bill. Well, she paid her provider and had no clue who this company was that kept billing her. The name started with a “L”. She finally went down to her provider and they told her that they had never heard of the company, but that they had sold out to AT&T. She should of been notified. She then went to EX-infinity and bought a new phone, got a new number and is planning on suing the bogus company and maybe AT&T. She is consulting with her lawyer. She has been two weeks without most of her customers because they couldn’t call her. Some are elderly and don’t have a way to get in town to see what is going on.

The puddles are getting bigger and deeper so might have to go get the sandbags and put at the front door. Once before we thought that the water might come in the front door but it stopped just short of it. This time I am not so sure we will be that fortunate. So, I will end this and go see how the sandbags are doing.

Have a dry, warm, safe, healthy, and fun rest of your Tuesday.
