Thursday, July 29, 2021 Smokey Sunny 96 degrees No breeze Humid 5:26 p.m.

I am watching the bird nest in the hanging flower basket. Mommy bird just flew in to feed the baby. Daddy bird is close by, watching all that goes on. there isn’t anything going on as it is to hot. All the other birds are hiding as there is none in site, No Squirrel, No Chipmunk, No Lizard.

Oak Ridge is soon to have three new stores opening. Old Navy, Home Goods and Down Under. So many are excited about the new stores as the closes ones were in Knoxville which is about 28 miles away. I know these stores won’t be as big as the ones in Knoxville but they will probably bring in things that are most sought after, especially school items and household items not normally found at Walmart. School started here this week and tomorrow starts the no taxes on school items, so the stores, if open, will do a big business. I am not sure, but I think I saw that Old Navy is open. The stores are thrilled with the business as some were closed during the pandemic and others were barely open.

I am so amazed that the schools are starting. It is still July! I watched the school bus drive the kids all the way up to their house this afternoon. I believe it is because of the heat. That is pretty nice I think, The kids that I have talked to are ready to go back to school. they missed so much during the pandemic and are ready to be with their friends and teachers and the activities. Several are still being home schooled.

Time to prepare dinner at out house. Have a great evening and be safe and healthy.




Today is Wednesday, July 28, 2021 Sunny Breezy Slightly Smokey Hot Humid 93 degrees 5:14 p.m.

I am very busy watching the mommy bird and her baby. We can now see the baby’s head when she is feeding it. She is a very good mommy, never goes far from the nest, but sits in the dogwood tree and watches when she isn’t either gathering food or in the nest. I do believe daddy is also close and watching what goes on as I have seen him check on the nest and also chase other small birds away. I know that when this baby gets ready to leave the nest we are going to miss it and its mommy and daddy. I don’t think they keep the nest but will find that out when the time comes.

Milo is also interested in the bird family. He spends a lot of time watching the nest and chatters when mommy bird flies in. He would like a better view, has jumped up on the bookcase to see if that would get him closer. I do believe he thinks that he would be a good friend to that family. But he also is interested in the lizards that live out in the flower bed. They are sleek, bluish gray, and entertain him often. He has managed to get tow of them as they got in the house. We, being the unappreciative humans that we are, found out where they were getting in at and fixed that entrance. He also has a hummingbird friend who comes several times a day and hovers at the glass screen door. He seems to be “visiting” with Milo and stays around for five minutes or so, each visit. He will hit the door if Milo isn’t there. Ah, the interesting life of a cat!

Enjoy the rest of your day. Make it a happy, cheerful,, productive and blessed day.

TUESDAY, JULY 27, 2021


Tuesday, July 27, 2021 Sunny Breezy Hot 90 degrees 3:57 p.m. The dog days of summer? No Dogs!

As I have said before, things are a bit different back here. They have had, on the news, a gentleman telling about the body farm and that he needs bodies. He is a professor at one of the Universities and he teaches his students about the human body and how to tell what they die of and age and all sorts of other vital information. As I understand it, a person can will their body to science for such reasons as this. Also there are hundreds of small, family cemeteries in the South who no longer have family to tend to them. I understand that if the owner of the property that the cemetery is located on can be located, they will ask to have it donated to the school. I also understand that the body farm here has to accept you as a potential candidate at your passing.

At first I thought this was a horrible idea. But, as I thought about it and discussed it with Tina and a couple others, it isn’t such a bad idea. Once you have passed on, your spirit or soul is no longer in that body. the body is either burned or buried under six feet of soil, in a box or coffin. The friends and family can visit a grave and talk to a marker.

Most now are having a Memorial Service instead of a full funeral. The cost of a funeral is extreme and being cremated is less expensive, but still expensive. The only one profiting from either of them is the mortuary personnel. If the body is left to science, and can be of use for teaching students, or scientists about different illnesses, diseases, or in case of a crime, help to catch the person responsible, why not? The family saves money, the world has another chance of finding a cure for some disease, a murderer gets caught and there is good bestowed by the deceased. From Ashes to Ashes and Dust to Dust. From being alive to saving a life. Just a thought!

Have a wonderful rest of your day. Fill it with positive, healthful, safe, cheerful, and productiveness.


MONDAY, JULY 26, 2021


Monday, July 26, 2021 Mostly cloudy Thunderstorms a possibility Slight breeze 76 degrees 4:27 p.m.

If you walk outside right now it is very muggy as the humidity is high. All is quiet as the birds are napping as is the squirrel and chipmunk, The mommy bird is in the nest with her little one and I can hear them softly chirping. That is so neat.

We had a quiet weekend, watching the Olympics and reading and doing odd jobs around the house. We hung some pictures and I found out I need to buy frames for some of the ones I want to put up. Now it is Monday and back to doing the normal things, like vacuuming, dusting, garbage taken out (garbage man came today) and all that fun stuff. I think tomorrow is laundry as I had PT this morning and that sort of puts some thing off a day or so. I have swept the car port, pulled a few weeds, snipped off the dead blooms from the rosebush, de-furred the cat beds; added dirt and watered the inside plant. Tina is at work. Our days have the same amount of time in them, but some people can pack more into them than others. Today I think I am in the “Other” category.

Now back to getting something started for supper. Have a great rest of your day. As Norman Vincent Peal always said, “remember to: Prayerize, Visualize, Energize and Actualize! Have a day filled with Blessings