Tuesday, February 28, 2023 Sunny Clear Warm Breezy 76 Degrees 5:32 p.m.

What a gorgeous day. So bright and sunny, So warm and luscious. All here are thoroughly enjoying every second of it. The weatherman said rain returns Thursday. The Cold returns Friday. I am thankful for each day. Also for raincoats, rain boots and umbrellas.

A quiet day. Visited with Julie for a while. She had her puppy dogs at the groomers. I know that Both Rocco and Zion will think they are handsomest dogs in Tennessee.

Swept the carport out. Thanks to Jeff I have a push broom. The leaf blower is great but the wind just blows the leaves right back into the carport so I do think the broom works better. I sweep them all into a pile, use the dustpan to scoop them up, put them in a trash bag and into the garbage can. Come Monday morning the garbageman will haul them off to the dump. That way they will have a much longer way to blow back, meanwhile making room for new leaves to blow in. WE never run out of leaves.

Not much other news around here. The dog across the street still has a strong bark even though he barks all day and half the night. One day his master will hear about it from most of the neighbors.

Quote of the day: ” Bumper Sticker: When you do a good deed get a receipt…..in case heaven is like the IRS.

Have a great rest of you Tuesday. Make it a fantastic, harmonious, thrifty and fun day.



Monday, February 27, 2023 Raining Windy Cloudy Warm Winter? 68 Degrees 5:17 p.m.

A beautiful windy rainy Monday. We have had rain on and off all day with some heavy downpours and fierce winds. I don’t feel the wind in here so only know it is really windy if someone calls and comments on how terrible the wind is or I look out and see everything going back and forth. Today Tina said it was like some of the ones we got in Searchlight.

The weekend was quiet. We had weather, rain and wind, but not to cold. We did some shopping for what we forgot the last shopping trip then home and did things around the house, watched a movie and did a lot of reading. A great weekend. Sunday I was back at Walmart for some envelopes and they had none the size I wanted, three boxes of the ones with windows and 5 boxes of letter size. It looked looked someone had gone through that area and open, tore and just made a mess in genera, of the envelope area. So sad that people thing that is necessary.

Today was laundry day and that is always fun. Sierra likes for me to set the nice warm clothes on the table and put the next load in. She tries to be unnoticed so she can lay in the warm ones. I am on to her so now fold them before putting in the next load.

Quote of the day: “ANOTHER TITLE DESTINED TO BE A BESTSELLER: “Kids Are From Mars, Parents Are from Cleveland.” Tom Armstrong

I hope you had a great weekend, safe, dry, warm and fun. Have a wonderful rest of you Monday. Make it enjoyable, pleasurable, thankful and fun



Friday, February 24, 2023 Cloudy Cool Breezy Rain Soon 58 Degrees 5:00 p.m.

Today was not as warm as the past few days. We started out nice and warm and went down hill from there. From 80 yesterday to 58 today is quite a jump. Back to the sweaters and jackets. I guess it is to early to put the winter clothes away and bring out the summer duds. It is February and still winter according to the calendar.

Today is Flag Day in Mexico. I wonder how and if they celebrate? Just curious.

The weekend is here and according to the weatherman, it will be a wet one. Also a cold front is moving in so it will be a chilly one. We had thought of going to the movies in Knoxville but if the weather is bad we will stay home and dry. We both have projects to work on so no shortage of things to do around here.

This evening Champion Windows is coming to give us an estimate on windows. We shall see what they offer price wise. It is so interesting how the different places have different prices for the same product. I grant you one is better then the other I am sure. Be it in product or labor. I am sure that there is quite a difference between $28,000.00 and their price.

Quote of the day: “Today’s forecast! Partly rational with brief periods of coherent thoughts giving way to complete apathy by tonight.” Sherrie Weaver My Calendar

Have a great rest of your day and weekend. Make it a safe, dry, warm, cheerful, friendly, kind and fun one.



Thursday, February 23, 2023 Sunny Windy Beautiful Warm 75 Degrees 2:46 p.m.

Springtime in February. A lot of the country are experiencing wild winter weather while here in East Tennessee we are experiencing warm, spring weather. I know that it isn’t going to last past today, but I am enjoying it while I can. The weekend is looking very wet, chilly, and more like winter with much cooler temperatures.

A mostly quiet day so far. Sharon stopped in this morning and I enjoy her brief visits. We talked about the coming of spring and plants and such. I am all for not doing a bunch of flowers and such as I am the one who goes out to water it all. The hose is always there so isn’t to bad, but pulling the weeds and keeping the area looking decent is a task. I do like the pretty flowers and shrubs, and I want the front to look pretty. So, I will do my best to help keep it nice, neat and pretty. I want to keep the birds happy and healthy.

The dog across the street is barking but I can’t see at what. He barks constantly as I think he is home alone all day and part of the night, in a small area with nothing to do but bark. I think it is so cruel to keep a dog in such tiny quarters. He is a large dog, maybe a lab mix, and all alone. He needs a companion and an acre to run in. His area is maybe four feet by six feet, if that big. The fence is wood slats, wide and thick. The ground is grass, I think. Poor puppy dog.

WE plan on going grocery shopping after Tina gets home as we don’t want to be out in the rain on Saturday, or tomorrow. Our list isn’t large so it shouldn’t take to long. We do have to go to Pet Smart, Walmart, and Kroger’s. Maybe CVS. I hope everyone is home doesn’t have the same idea we do about shopping and rain. And I hope the shelves are not all empty. I sometimes thing that everyone eats, and uses the same things we do? I also wonder why the stores are pushing their brands and slowly pushing out the brands that we have used forever? And why would anyone who is capable of going to the store to pick out their own groceries shop on line? or just drive to the parking lot and have the clerk put the groceries in the car after the clerk has done your shopping? Soon it will be robots doing all the jobs the clerks and cashiers do. We humans are becoming obsolete I guess. Maybe I need to get out more.

Quote of the day: “Middle age is when you want to see how long your car will last…instead of how fast it will go.” My calendar

Have a great rest of your Thursday. Make it a industrious, productive, positive, pleasurable and fun day.
