Thursday, June 17, 2021, 3:21 p.m.

Thursday, June 17, 2021, 3:43 p.m. mostly Sunny, 83 degrees, a slight breeze

The above photo is of the Tennessee Walters/Barberena family. That was Jerry’s birthday and we were all

there to celebrate and eat cake and ice cream.  The main point of having a birthday party.  It was before Covid-19 so no masks and still the freedom to gather and enjoy the blessing of celebrating everyone's milestones. 
Now things are opening up so we are looking forward to being able to go a few more places and seeing more friends and family.  We are hoping that Little League has summer games that we can go watch the boys play.  And throw in a picnic or two, 4th of July is a good time for that.  All good, fun, adventurous and energizing things to look forward to. A shopping trip to the antique malls in Clinton and Sweetwater, the outdoor orchestra concerts, yard sales, and whatever else is offered close to home.  Sunday is the first day of summer and Tina doesn't do summer well.  I doubt the yard sales have air conditioning.  I guess I am on my own for those.
Have a super day, filled with all the good things that this time of year brings. Stay cool, stay positive, stay safe, stay healthy and blessed.

Wednesday, June 16, 2021, 4:45 p.m. Partly cloudy, slight breeze, 83 degrees. A beautiful day

The beautiful dog pictured above is Wyatt. He is the head dog at the JL Walters household in Tennessee. He is a husky, 14 years old and knows he is the boss. He likes to go for short walks, Receive treats from guests dining at his home, being petted and spoiled and loved. He keeps his housemates, Finley, Lacy, and Murphy, in line and makes sure that all the human adults are safe and guarded well. He likes to be with people, greeting all who enter. He enjoys the large back yard as well as being in the house, snoozing in his comfy bed. On hot days he loves laying on the cool hearth in front of the fire place, without the fire burning. He is past the age of playing but occasionally will join the other dogs in the back yard for a game of tag or hide and seek with a toy. Occasionally he will take a toy or a bone and hide it, keeping it just for himself. He mostly watches to make sure they don’t cheat. Like so many of both humans and animals, Wyatt suffers from Arthritis so doesn’t do stairs, nor does he romp and run as he did in the good ‘ole days, but he still gets around and can keep his place as head dog. He is a very good, respected and loved part of the family.

Have a great, cool, enjoyable, productive, pleasant, positive and blessed day.,