Tuesday, June 20, 2021, 5:55 p.m., cloudy, windy, 86 degrees. a thunder storm is working its’ way in.
A very summer day. It is warm, to hot, cloudy to sunny to cloudy, still to breezy to windy, a rumble of thunder in the distance to a rumble of thunder moving closer. Yes, it is summer in East Tennessee.
The day has been a busy one with hanging pictures in the stairwell, doing laundry, playing with the cats, and writing letters and making cards. I am behind on the letter writing and so need to buckle down and get with it, Less time watching the birds and squirrels and bees in the cedar tree and more time on the letter writing and card making. I do have help in the form of Sierra and Milo who think their paws are needed to type and print and shred. Their help would be most appreciated if they would learn to shred only papers that need to be shredded, learn where to put their paws on the keyboard and not to take the papers off the printer until the printing is done. But, I think that is going to be awhile as neither of them are good students.
The kids across the street are out playing ball so I guess the storm isn’t going to visit us here. They are playing baseball and having fun. I think more goofing off then actual playing. It looks like a fun time. their dogs are joining in on the fun. Here the school bus picks the kids up for summer school, and brings them home. I see them catch the bus in the morning and return in the afternoon. The evenings are for playing outdoors.
Have a great rest of you day. Make it prosperous, pleasant, productive, cheerful, fun and blessed.