Thursday, July 1, 2021, 5:25 p.m. Cloudy, rain drops on the window, 82 degrees. Summer thunderstorms predicted.

The above picture is a mamma goat and her babies. They are so cute and fun to watch and play with. When they grow up some will be hired out to keep weeds and poison oak and ivy away. I guess it is true that goats will eat anything. They make good pets and are full of energy, fun and entertainment. And a great lawnmower!

A trip to Kroger.s this afternoon tells me everyone is stocking up for a large 4th weekend. One guy’s cart was over the top with cases of water, sodas, beer, chips, cookies, hot dogs, buns, and I don’t know what else. Several were in there shopping just for the weekend. We were in there for frozen veggies as we forgot them when we did our shopping. And a bit of fruit, like bananas. And a bit of ice cream. A banana split in the making!

The raindrops have now turned into a regular downpour! I know that Oak Ridge is on flash flood warning until tomorrow morning so maybe we will get a good rain. The flowers sure do like it and the grass grows so fast. The wind is blowing pretty good now. Would be nice if we could share some of the rain with those who are in the drought.

Have a great rest of your Thursday. Make it a positive, fun filled, productive, kind, sharing, and blessed day.