JULY 22, 2021

A scene from my office window in Las Vegas, Nevada a couple of years age. I love the sky.

A very warm July evening. Sunny and a bit smokey, a breeze, 88 degrees at 6:06 p.m. on Thursday.

The thought for the day is: The secret of life isn’t what happens to you, but what you do with what happens to you.

Today has been busy as usual. This afternoon Dottie and I went and played BINGO. Neither of us won and they didn’t play as many games this time. We decided to not go back for awhile as next week we are both busy and then I will be gone the following week. The Senior Center doesn’t seem to have their act together and it makes it hard to know when to sign up and for what. Tina tried to sign up for exercise class but was told it was full. They want you to sign up for each week as they fill up very fast, yet they have plenty of empty chairs and tables. I don’t know if this is because of COVID or not. It seems to be hit and miss with tables close and some full and most with only one or two people at them. So, maybe later on they will be more together and it will go smoother. It is still fun to play.

The Canada and West Coast smoke has finely reached there. I understand NY is worse then we are and under health aware alerts. Here, it is just slightly hazy but not really bad. I hope that they get a handle on the fires and get them put out soon, but it doesn’t sound like that is going to happen very fast. I feel bad for all who have lost everything, who are having to fight the fires,, their families, and all the animals who have lost their homes and lives.

I hope that your day is going well and that you have a very pleasant and cool and safe evening.


MONDAY, JULY 20, 2021


A beautiful day and a dry day. the past few days have held rain, thunderstorms, sun, wind and power outages. We finally shut the computers down and turned off the TV just for safety reasons. Finally decided that the TV was a must for the weather report if nothing else. I think we are back to normal for a couple of days at least. I hope long enough to get the laundry done and my Daily updates done.

Yesterday I turned on the computer and found that someone had used my pay pay account and charged $600.00 + to my account. Of course I came unglued! I had Tina look at it and she called the number at the bottom of the page to report the error. After a zillion questions and the man, Dominic, wanting us to do this and that and give him information, etc, Tina called Jerry and put him on face time so he could see the screen and hear the conversation. Long story short, it was a scam. We reported it to the Government agency and I pray that they get this guy. And the gal that acts like his verifier. I don’t have a pay pal account! So BE WARE!

We are cleaning out one of the closets that we have crammed things into until we had time to go through it all and see what we need to keep, want to keep, throw out or give. I found a cash register receipt form Scallaries in Gardnerville from 1978. Yes, I think it is time to go through all the boxes and shred, or throw most of it away. But I did find a few things worth keeping, and things that my granddaughter had as a child, which I will give back to her now. I didn’t realize that I still had them. I also found little poems I left my Mom and Hubby when I went to work early in the mornings before they were up. You will probably be seeing them from time to time. Maybe they will give you a giggle.

Have a wonderful Tuesday. I hope you enjoyed watching the space flight this morning. they made it and thought it was wonderful. One day everyone will be able to take a flight into space.


FRIDAY, JULY 16, 2021

Friday, July 16, 2021 Sunny, Still, 89 degrees 6:06 p.m. Muggy, Hot Summertime

It is Friday and I am ready for the weekend. I believe we are staying home and doing a few things around here. I have a couple of books to read and such relaxing activities. We had several recorded programs to watch and maybe even a movie or two. Tina has to work for 4 hours both Saturday and Sunday, but those hours are in the morning. Sunday is Church on Line.

The wind just came up and the weatherman said that we will be experiencing gathering clouds during the evening and night with scattered showers in the forecast for the weekend. I can almost sit and watch the grass grow. Also the dandelion and clover. Our grass has a lot of clover mixed in it. Our high today was 92 degrees. We are staying in and staying cool. I hope you are also.

Have a wonderful, adventurous, relaxing, cool and blessed day and weekend


The rose bush

Thursday, July 15, 2021 6:29 p.m. Sunny, Slight breeze A beautiful evening

Today has been a busy day. After coffee, news and breakfast, shower, dishes, etc. it was time to get the house straightened up an think about what to have for lunch, which we call “LaDin” Dottie was due here at noon and we were going to BINGO at 1:00. Tina had a recipe that was my mom’s we wanted to try so she fixed that and it was good. It is an old one I use to fix for the kids when they were little, and she use to fix for us when I was growing up.

After lunch Dottie and I went to BINGO and I got the first BINGO, won a 1.87 lbs carton of Cheddar Gold Fish. It was fun to play, and will probably go back next Thursday. We signed up for it anyway. Here you have to register for each thing you want to participate in, each time. That is a drag and we hope that it will get better soon. We think it is because of the pandemic rules that have all but been totally lifted but am not sure. There are prizes that are donated by different companies and some are really nice.

Tomorrow is PT at 8:00 a.m. Then Tina has a Dentist apt. at 11:00 in Harden Valley. All that tells me is that I have to be ready to walk out the door by 7:30 a.m… This is the kick-back, relax, sleep in, no hurry, retired life. But, the Early bird catches the worm, so no complaints. However, I don’t care for worms.

Have a grand evening. Make it a super fun, interesting, adventurous, cheerful and blessed one.