Wednesday, August 25, 2021 Cloudy Under a Thunder storm Warning 82 degrees 5:20 p.m.

The day was back to Physical Therapy, this time for the shoulder and neck. It seems I have a bone sitting on a nerve or out of place in my neck which might be causing the other issues, so will see how this goes. I go for an MRI a week from Friday. That should be fun.

This afternoon I cleaned out the drawers of the buffet in the dining room and put up demitasse spoons in the spoon and cup holder thing. You know, the souvenir spoons. My mother collected them and I finally decided to put some up. I will change them put periodically. They really are pretty and interesting.

I was surprised to hear that CAl-NEV-ARI had been sold. Nancy Kidwell has had it up for sale for many years. I am sure that she is glad it has sold and is now able to go and do the things she would like to do, like travel. She is a nice and smart lady.

We didn’t get any rain so I guess I will have to go out and water. The plants seem to require a lot of water even though it is humid. This soil simply gulps the water and I have no idea where it goes. Maybe that is why there are so many rivers and lakes and streams here.

Have a super fun rest of your day. fill it with productivity, kindness, cheerfulness and caring. Stay healthy, and safe
