Friday, October 29, 2021 cloudy rainy breezy chilly 54 degrees 4:42 p.m.

Today has been very cloudy with on and off rain showers. Nothing heavy, just gentle and nice, The wind has jst started so there might be a heavier rain on the way. The weatherman said that it is going to be heavier rain during the night and into tomorrow so we shall see. I guess Sunday is to be dryer and colder.

We are prepared for Halloween and the Trick or Treat bunches. I am looking forward to see how many we get this year and all the costumes. We have a lot of families in this area with small children so it will be fun to see them all dressed up. I imagine we will get a few of the older kids as well but I doubt we will have many of them.

I guess the squirrel has hibernated as we haven’t seen him in a week or so and I believe the chipmunk has done the same. There really haven’t been many birds at the bird feeder this week. Sparrows and doves is all I have seen. Tina says the geese are still at the High School, Catholic Church and the park so I believe they spend the whole year here. There are several gaggles of geese here.

Have a wonderful Friday and Celebrate Nevada’s Birthday this weekend safely, having lots of fun and remembering what a great state Nevada is.




Thursday, October 28, 2021 Cloudy Raining Chilly 57 degrees 5:13 p.m.

This morning was partly cloudy, breezy, warmish and really nice. . When Tina returned home from work at about 9:30 a.m., we went to Walmart for a few groceries so that we wouldn’t have to go out in the rain and bring home wet bags. It was nice as the place wasn’t crowded and there were plenty of baskets and room to walk around and hunt for what you want. Of course, a lot of the shelves are empty or very few items on them. there are lots of toys and baked good.

We are all ready for the Trick or Theaters who will probably be here Sunday evening, but maybe Saturday evening.. I am not sure as there are several parties going on for kids around here. churches, school, parks, etc. The kids might attend those on Saturday and then trick or treat the homes on Sunday. Which ever we are ready. Windy’s had “BOO BOOKS” for a dollar so will add one ticket out of a book (free Frosty and some have a free small french fry) It is either 2 free Frosty’ or one free frosty and one free french fry. We got plastic bags to put candy in and bought bags of individually wrapped candy small bars like snickers, twixt, etc. and will put three in each bag along with a Boo Ticket.. Last year I ran out of candy early so will be ready this year. Plus there are more kids in the neighborhood this year.

Have a great rest of your day. Make it a specially positive, cheerful, fun and joyous one.




Wednesday, October 27, 2021 Sunny Windy cool 63 degrees 5:02 p.m.

The above picture is of the ark, the inside layers, I think. There are many buildings and areas attached to the Ark property so this could be one of the other areas . What a great experience and it is massive as well as interesting.

did you know that God told Noah to build the Ark using these measurements: 300 cubits long, 50 cubits wide, and 30 cubits tall.? That is pretty big, I believe the size of three football fields. There sure was a lot in the ark so they needed all that room. They had animals, people, gardens, two of each kind of everything. I guess a pair of everything. So interesting.

It has been a beautiful day here, sunny and windy and fall like. It is cold in the house but nice outside in the sun. The weatherman says the starting tomorrow we will have rain for the next three days. We have our sand bags so hope we don’t have to use them but are ready if we do. I am hoping for a gentle rain and not a gully washer.

The trees are starting to turn and leaves are starting to fall, so soon we will be having to rake up all the across the street neighbors leaves. The leaves are so pretty and it makes the yards turn gold, red,, yellow, and orange. Really pretty. Fall flowers are in full bloom and the summer ones are slowly fading away, dying off. The grass still needs mowing at least every other week. I believe this goes until the first freeze. So far our low has been 38 degrees.

Have a wonderful rest of your Wednesday. Make it a profitable, prosperous, perfect, fun and gracious day.




Tuesday, October 26, 2021 Cloudy Slight breeze Chilly 59 degrees 4:46 p.m.

A chilly, cloudy day with no rain but still a bit damp outside. All is quiet in the neighborhood. No kids playing nor dogs being walked, nor birds singing and flying about. I think it is telling us that Fall is really here and time to get out the sweaters and jackets.

The above picture is of the Leviathan Dragon which is mentioned in the bible book of Job. According to what I have read in the book from the Creation Museum and from the Bible there were two dragons, the Leviathan and the Behemoth. Both are mentioned in the book of Job. The picture above came from BING , which has several different pictures of dragons. This one seemed to come the closest to what I read.

When we entered the museum we walked down this long wide hall with pictures and plaques along both sides of the walls There were pictures and information about each dragon and if it was a true dragon or a dinosaur. Most are dinosaurs . It said that not all dragons could be called dinosaurs. but all dinosaurs could of been dragons. Some reptiles are mistakenly called dinosaurs. Dinosaurs have legs directly under the body and are land dwelling animals. Dimetrodon (legs out to the side); Plesiosaurs )marine reptiles) and Pterosaurs (flying reptiles) are some of the differences. The word Dinosaurs was coined in 1841 so people around the world wouldn’t of call them that prior to then.

The day has been spent with a bit of housework and some computer work and a few games on the computer, reading and a nap. Now it is time to think about dinner and dishes and the evening TV programs. I will, while watching TV, cut the name and address off the front of magazines and catalogues before getting rid of them. Our neighbor calls us the queens of catalogues as we seem to get tons of them each week. Today we got one on horses clothing and jewelry and household things. A cute catalogue but not interested.

In answer to yesterday’s question, one lady said she paid $4.24 a gallon a week ago.. I wonder what it is today?

In view of rising prices at the grocery store, how much food and household necessities have you stockpiled? (month’s worth).

Have a super fun rest of your day. Keep it a pleasant, profitable, kind, friendly day.

