Wednesday, October 6, 2021 Partly Sunny 77 Degrees Slight Breeze 4:04 p.m.

Today, the weatherman said it will be mostly rain showers. It was raining when we got up but quit shortly afterwards. It was cloudy for most of the morning and since then we have had bright sunshine with an occasional cloud covering it. The rain was due to start again at around 3:00 p.m., but so far it is a beautiful afternoon. My Echo said that we should look for thunderstorms around midnight. O.K.

I have worked upstairs mostly today. My clothes are now up in the closet in my room and I guess one could say I am settled on one floor. It is nice to be centrally located with clothes and bathroom and such. I still have to move my shoes but haven’t figured out just how I want them as yet.

Better yet, the guest room is all ready for guests and the bathroom right there handy. So nice to have it all together and ready for guests. It looks nice and neat and comfortable.

The opinions that I have received from yesterday’s question is that it will take a year to 18 months before all those ships and such are able to dock and get unloaded, and at least that long for all the goods to reach the stores. What a mess! One person said that the biggest cause is people not wanting to go back to work because it is nicer and easier to let the government support them. I believe that is partly true. But there are also weather related problems and child care problems and health problems to go along with it all. I know there are plenty of jobs to be had as there are “hiring signs” all over the place. And wages are up so that should help.

Today’s question: What is the name given to a person who lives in the state of Rhode Island?

Have a great rest of your day. Make it special, invigorating, exciting and productive.
