Tuesday, October 12, 2021 Windy Cloudy 67 Degrees 3:17 p.m.

A quiet day after a rather busy weekend. Friday I had an MRI on my shoulder, then lunch with Tina and Jerry at a Japanese restaurant that was really good. After that a visit to Target and then home. That was a full day. Saturday we worked around the house and started thinking about Christmas and what we want to do etc. Sunday was church and a lazy day. Monday was company and a trip to Hobby Lobby.

All of a sudden this month is close to being half over and next week we go on our three day vacation to visit Noah’s Ark and a museum and few places in Kentucky and Ohio. It should be perfect weather, not to hot or cold and I hope a lot of the fall colors in all the trees. It will be a good and interesting trip with lots to see and so.

Tomorrow is my granddaughter’s birthday. She is celebrating by taking her children hiking in the Smokies. Since they are being home schooled I am thinking this is a educational school related hike. The Smokies are getting their fall colors now so I am sure it will be a beautiful scenic hike and fun as well. I hope they don’t meet up with any of the bears that live there and seem to visit the surrounding communities often. They are working at gorging themselves for the “long Winter ” ahead. It is said that the bears eat over 3200 calories a day when preparing for winter.

Question for the day: If Columbus Sailed the Ocean Blue in 1492, on the Nita, Pinta and Santa Maria, when did the Mayflower sail to America, bringing all those pilgrims?

Have a wonderful rest of your Tuesday. Make it prosperous, pleasant, kindly and fun.
