Thursday, October 14, 2021 Sunny Calm 77 Degrees, 6:41 p.m.
This is late, again, and I am sorry. I am working on a project and while researching I loose track of time. I hope to soon be done with the research and get back on my more or less normal schedule. Do we have normal anymore?
While watching the news this morning I learned that John Deer employees are going on strike, or may already be on strike, for higher wages, better working conditions and better benefits. And Also Hollywood (Movie, TV,. etc) are also planning on going on strike for the same thing. I am wondering why they think now is the right time to go on strike? I would think that after all the time off work, being laid off, etc. because of COVID-19 they would like being back at work and being productive. I know that they probably did very well with their extra large unemployment checks each week but I believe that gravy train is about to expire if it hasn’t already.
I guess I am old school, well, at least old, but I still believe that working to earn a paycheck makes one feel like they have accomplished something, even if the job is hard and not at all what was planned on or dreamed of. Earning each phase of a job, each advancement, each new prospect, each new adventure gives one a sense of accomplishment. And, yes, that shoe probably doesn’t fit all.
Now, while striking for better pay, benefits, working conditions is the way to express ones feelings, but one should also stop and think of what damage this strike is going to do to the country, to their neighbors, to their community and eventually to themselves? Do they get a pay check while hey are out striking? How long will the strike last? If no paycheck, how long can they go without groceries or paying their bills? Just my thoughts.
But, if Hollywood goes on strike and they can’t have TV programs, maybe we can have reruns without 13 minute commercials every 10 minutes.? Just a thought!
The shortest book in the bible is The third Epistle of John.
Have a wonderful rest of your Thursday. Make it thought provoking, interesting, challenging and fun.