Monday, October 18, 2021 Sunny, Slight breeze, 70 degrees Beautiful fall day 4:51 p.m.
How was your weekend? I hear it is very fall like in Las Vegas area and a bit of winter-ish in the Reno area. I am sure that Lake Havasu is beautiful about now, just right temperature and not overly crowded.
Here, we have been getting ready for our three day vacation. The car is gassed up, tires rotated, oil changed, the windows, and the whole car washed and cleaned and looking good. The suit cases are out and the clothes to take are laid out ready to put in the suit case. The cats are curious and sticking close to the action. They seem to sense that something is going on. The neighbor, Charles, is going to come in and feed them so they will be taken care of. They have the automatic cat box so their ;litter will be taken care of without anyone having to pooper scoop while we are gone. Nice!
Last Friday I had the MRI on my shoulder and arm. Today I visited the doctor to hear what the results were. He said I was a bit of a medical marvel. According to the MRI, I shouldn’t be able to use my arm much at all and I should be in pain. But, I can use my arm quite well, just can’t reach to far up my back. He said that I have 4 tears in the rotercup and my muscles there are in a tight “fist”. I feel fine and so think maybe that the MRI was someone else’s and not mine. He said no. So, I am fine and will continue doing “my thing” without surgery or anything else. He will keep an eye on me and check it out every so often. Should I ever have to have surgery on that it would be a complete replacement of the shoulder ball thing. I am in good shape for the shape I’m in.
Now it is time to pack and get everything ready to go first thing in the morning. This will be the last Blog until probably Thursday or Friday. I will try and do my tablet but am not sure how that will work. I will take lots of pictures and share.
Have a super rest of your day and the week. Be safe, healthy, positive, productive, kind, caring, and have fun.