Monday, October 25, 2021 rainy turning to sunny breezy Beautiful Fall weather 71 degrees 6:07 p.m.
It is nice to be back and will start to tell you about the Ark and the Museum. It was a great experience and one that I recommend to all. I found both places a well presented and displayed. All was very interesting and educational for all ages. Both places can be checked out on Google There you will find many pictures of each place.
The Ark is build according to the demolitions given in Genesis. There are three floors and several displays on each floor. The art work, the stature, the plaques and wording was awesome. Most everything looked very life like. Even the animals portrayed there looked real.
There are several snack areas and a restaurant in each place and the book stores and gift shops are wonderful. No, I didn’t buy much but looked a lot. There were tons of people everywhere so I didn’t feel like fighting the crowd to stand in line for to much. I also had an electric scooter and that hampered the looking and grabbing things. I am hoping I can go on line and get a few things that I would like to have.
Both places have small zoos which we enjoyed and both places have wonderful gardens and walking paths that are so nice and tranquil. We enjoyed them at each place.
Sunday Tina, Tammy, Dottie and I had a “Sip and Paint” afternoon. Dottie bought canvases with paints, brushes and pictures to trace on the canvas for the for the four of us so thought we would see how they would be. it was fun and we all did very well. Even mine turned out not to bad. We will do it again in the near future and watch the instructor on TV and paint the pictures. That should be interesting.
More of this tomorrow with a little more detail on the Ark.
My question for the day is: How much are you paying for gas ? Here it is $3.19 per gallon, or more. Kentucky was less at $ 2.89.