Wednesday, October 13, 2021 Mostly Cloudy Slight breeze 73 degrees 6:31 p.m.
A busy day around here. Laundry and pick and put away; working on crafts and chatting with friends vie cell phone.
Cooked dinner and did dishes and now to do the BLOG and then be ready for Jeopardy. Amodo finished his winning streak and we had a new guy last night. We will see how long he can go. Mark Amodo !went for 38 weeks and that is just below Ken Jennings I believe. I think he was tired.
Tina saw a herd of deer at Turtle Park on her way to work this morning. It is always scary to think that they might be on or near the highway and will dart out and get hit. That would not be good for the deer or the vehicle. They are all over the place and we figure we will have them here one day. We live close to a golf course and I am sure they go there often. They do like green grass, tree leaves, etc.
Today is my granddaughter’s birthday. She took her children hiking in the Smokies so do hope that she and they had a great time and got to see, at a distance, bear and other inhabitants of the Smokies. the Smokies are so pretty and a great many wild animals live there as well as people. Now the trees are starting to turn their beautiful colors of reds, yellows, browns and are just beautiful. We hope to see a lot of those next week when we head out to the ARK.
The answer to yesterday’s question is:1620. 401 years ago. I wonder what those pilgrims would think of the “New World” now?
Today’s question: What is the smallest book in the bible?
Have a great rest of your Wednesday. Make it a pleasant, profitable, fun, safe and healthy one.