Tuesday, October 5th, 2021 Cloudy Rainy Still 70 Degrees 4:46 p.m.

A beautiful day, though cloudy and misty. Very quiet with just an occasional bird singing or chirping out in the cedar tree. The kind of day I would of liked to of curled up with a good book and a cup of tea. But, I did the daily duties that the house requires and managed to of kept quite busy.

I have been putting things in the bathroom and getting it organized. I have found a couple of things that I will change in the near future but all in all, it is lovely. It has also been a learning experience. We now know that change orders are expensive. We learned to plan what we want, know what we want, write down each item and where we want it, and make sure that the contractor reads the list, knows what and where and is up front with what ever he finds that isn’t covered in the contract. Also one must be on ones toes and check at least once a day to see how things are going and what has been uncovered that wasn’t mentioned because there are walls in the way. Do not assume anything!

Dinner was excellent . Mayor Bill brought over pot roast and potatoes, carrots, etc. So Good! Sharon fixed it. So tender and juicy, melt in your mouth good. I had fixed a recipe from my mothers collection, Crock Pot Chicken. We sampled that also and it is good, But, we have had chicken mostly for two weeks so the roast was a double treat for us .We will freeze if for another night.

Question for the day: How long, according to California Governor, will it take to clean up the recent oil spill?

Have a fun and productive rest of your day. Make it a kind, caring, cheerful, safe and healthy one.



Monday, October 4, 2021 Partly Cloudy Slight breeze 77 degrees 4:12 p.m.

The above picture is of a spot in the old town area with its’ fall colors. This is a Bing picture as the leaves haven’t gotten that bright just yet. they are slowly getting there and some are even falling softly from the big trees. It is still to warm for a good color change.

It has been a busy weekend. The bathroom is completes and looks so nice and bright and clean and new. Now to get things placed in there and the rest of the house back in order. It is funny how disrupting one room can affect the whole house. The guest bedroom still has to be put back in order and that closet cleaned out. I am good at stuffing things anyplace they will fit so now to UN-stuff them.

Friday I had a doctor’s appointment, then we went shopping for things for the bathroom. Like towels and such. We went to BELK’s which is like Macy’s and I found some that I liked so we bought two sets plus a shower curtain and all that good stuff. Then got it home and decided that half had to be returned as the bathroom isn’t that big and all wasn’t needed. That was nice.

Saturday, Jerry and Tammy came over to put up a shelf and fix a couple of things around here. Dotty came so, Dottie, Tammy, Tina and I went to the craft show at the Catholic Church. It was geared mostly towards kids so enjoyed walking around and looking but didn’t buy anything. We then went to Home Goods and shopped. The one here, which just opened, is very nice, not as crowded and stuffed as the ones in Vegas or Knoxville. We found some things there and it was fun just looking.

Sunday we work to rain and it rained pretty much all day. The internet was off for quite a while so nearly didn’t get to go to church on line. I guess I missed part but not a lot. When Tina got home from work we went to Walmart and got a few groceries and her prescriptions, then stopped at the Mexican Grill and had a taco. It was good. Then home.

Today was another appointment in town and a trip to COSCO! The end of that story. it was packed and we both were glad to get what we went for and come home. Now, time to relax!

Question for the day: How long do you think it will take all the ships that are loaded with merchandise, sitting in the harbors on both coasts, to be able to reach the docks and unload?

Have a Cheerful, Fun, Pleasant rest of your day
