Monday, November 29, 2021 Sunny Slight breeze 45 degrees 4:35 P.M.
A beautiful day here in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. Even though it is cold it is sunny and pretty outside. The trees are mostly leafless and now we can see homes on the mountains and valleys. Just the evergreens are still in place and keeping their secrets. There are leaves hither and yon but most have been raked up, bagged and placed on the curb for the city to pick up.
It seems funny to see people bundled up walking their dogs who, for the most part, have sweaters on. they seem happy to be out and enjoying the cool air. Even there masters seem to be enjoying the fresh air. The birds are also out and about, eating out of the bird feeders and checking the ground to see what is left there.
Our weekend was sadden by the loss of one of our four legged family members on Saturday. Jerry’s dog, Wyatt passed away. He was such an important part of the family, Jerry’s best friend and loved by the rest of the family here in Tennessee. He will be very much missed by all.
We had a delightful Thanksgiving at Jerry and Tammy’s home. So much good food and such good company. it was a great time. Of course Football and more Football. That just makes the day. I am very Thankful for all….For Family and Friends and all the Blessings that God has bestowed on me.
Have a great rest of your Monday. Make it a wonderful and productive day.