Tuesday, November 30, 2021 Sunny, Cool, Slight Breeze 56 degrees 5:10 p.m.
I can’t believe all the colors in this state at this time of the year. The trees are simply awesome and are all over the place. The mountains are livid with colors, especially when vies from afar. Just beautiful.
Today is the last day of November already! This year has simply flew by. Now Christmas is 25 days away and I am not quite ready. As usually my best laid plans have gone astray and I will have to hurry to get all done that I plan on doing. I still have a few gifts to get together and a couple of packages to get in the mail. The house is pretty much decorated and for that I am thankful for. We need to get a new wreath for the front door as the ones we had are not working this year. I guess they wear out like everything else.
I have my yearly letter to write and cards to address so that will take a day or two. I have one story to catch up on and a few million other little things to get done. I don’t have idle hands for sure. Tina is working more this month due to the Christmas Rush, so that will be either a hindrance or a blessing, depending. She called and said she had petted four dogs so far and that is the biggest reason to go to work I think. I petted twp and I didn’t have to go farther then the front door for one and the back door for the other.
I believe that one day this week Dottie and I will go shopping. Tina is usually with me when the shopping is done so it will be fun to go with Dottie and not have to sneak what I want to buy. It is that time of year, She is fun to shop with and has good input as well as being good company. We will fit lunch in between stores.
Have a wonderful rest of your day. Make it a cheerful and gratifying day.