Monday, November 22, 2021 mostly cloudy windy cool 45 degrees 5:13 p.m.

Here it is the 22 day of November, already! Three more days until the day where football is the entertainment and a big turkey dinner is the fare, I can almost smell the pumpkin pie baking, and the turkey roasting. mmmmmmmmm!

Well, I guess I have a couple of days to wait for those yummy smells. In the meantime there is plenty to do around here. I have laundry to finish and a couple of closets to rearrange because it is that time of year when one needs hiding room here and there. That is challenging as Milo loves to get in closets and I forget to look so he gets locked in quite often. So far he has been a good kitty and not left me any surprises.

Saturday Tina and I went to a craft show. It was really nice and not terribly crowded. There are a lot of talented people around here so there was a lot to see. Tina bought a couple of things but I just mostly looked. There was a lot of things I thought about buying but then couldn’t quite justify doing so. I have reached the stage where what I buy, be it for myself or a gift for someone, it has to have a purpose. Just because it is cute isn’t a reason to buy . This man built bird houses and made bird baths and I wanted one of the birdbaths but it is winter and not the time to be putting them out. Maybe in the spring when they have another craft fair.

Sunday was church on line and then a quiet relaxing day. Watched some TV and did some reading, and played a bit on the computer. Our neighbor was kind and brought us each a yo go box with the most delirious salads and BBQ-ed sandwiches , so that took care of dinner for us. That just made the day. He is the best neighbor.

Have a great rest of you day. Make it a kind, energetic, fun and safe Monday




Friday, November 19, 2021 Sunny Windy Cold 51 degrees 3:51 p.m.

A very cold start to today, 21 degrees when we got up this morning. I am so glad I brought the plant in as it would of certainly froze. It is so big that I put it out during the day so it can get the sunshine, and to keep Milo out of it. At night I put it in the downstairs bathroom, in the shower, and close the door. I don’t know what the name of the plant is, I was told but didn’t write it down and forgot. I will have to write it down and see if the plant is good for cats or not.Now it is windy and very cool but sunny and looks pretty out there. I will bring the plant in when the sun goes down.

I put on a pot of ham and beans this morning so that will be dinner tonight. I think they are done so will get the cornbread made and a salad and call it a meal. A healthy meal. For desert there is cups of ice cream and cookies. I love buying the cups of ice cream as it works out better, serving wise. That is better then the three scoops in a bowl which is usually what we get when we buy a quart or a 1/2 gallon.

Tomorrow we are going to the craft show at the Community Center. That should be interesting and fun to see what crafts they have to offer. I am slow at getting the ones I have scheduled to make but hope to get some done by Christmas to put on packages. We shall see.

I was up in time to look out my bedroom window and see part of the eclipse of the moon. It was pretty and interesting. I didn’t watch a great deal of it as the hour was very early and chilly. We turn the heat down at night so mornings are a bit on the cool side. I know I would of been much colder if I had known it was 21 degrees outside. I saw that the roofs were white with frost and the lawns out front were also white with frost. Because of the big oak tree the frost doesn’t seem to reach to close to the front of our house so that helps the plants.

Have a wonderful weekend. Make it a fun, relaxing and safe one. Enjoy the preparations for the up-coming holiday

and the shopping. If traveling, be safe and healthy.




Thursday, November 18, 2021 cloudy windy rainy cold 48 degrees 4:04 p.m.

A day that looks more like winter then fall. However, it is November and a week from Thanksgiving so the cold and wet weather is about right. who know, maybe snow for Christmas or sooner. The leaves are blanketing most every lawn and street in East Tennessee and the trees are loosing their foliage quickly. Soon we will be able to see all the places hidden by the thick trees that are everywhere here. So many treasures hidden from view.

Dolly Wood is one of the main attractions in this part of the world, this time of year. From what I understand she goes all out with the decorations, the amusements, the live music, caroling, star attractions, food and I don’t know what else. We are not going this year either but maybe next year if all settles down and it is healthier to be around crowds. For now, we can enjoy some of it on TV, like the adds.

Another place we want to visit is The Builtmore . It looks fabulous and something like Dalton Abby. All who have gone there say it is beautiful and relaxing. That would be an over night stay or maybe a weekend stay.

We are looking forward to 2022 being a healthier and more back to normal year. That is the prayer. Meantime we will do the very best with what we have. The store shelves being empty or close to it will teach us all to be more prepared, to learn different recopies to clean with vinegar and soap and water, to do a lot of our normal daily things a bit differently. Our forefathers didn’t have all the luxury items that we have today and they did just fine. They worked hard and depended on themselves and help from the neighbor if needed. they didn’t have electricity or indoor plumbing. they cut down the Christmas tree and strung pop corn chains for garland. A gift under the tree was something that was made by hand for them so treasured , Just something to think about while doing your holiday baking and shopping. I personally, appreciate the indoor plumbing and electricity. And I probably would starve if I had to go out and kill the turkey to fix the Thanksgiving dinner. Yes, I am a wimp!

Have a great rest of your Thursday and remember, a week away is the Thanksgiving Day. Be Thankful!




Wednesday, November 17, 2021 a beautiful fall day windy, 70 degrees 5:07 p.m.

A slightly warm breeze outdoors, leaves swaying in the breeze, some blowing across yards, being caught in plants, walkways, trees and parked cars. The yard across the street is carpeted with the leaves from their tall trees, elms and maple and oaks. All shedding their foliage preparing for winter coming just around the corner. Today our high is 70 degrees, tomorrow it is said to be 59 degrees with rain showers.

With all the adds for Christmas shopping, and all the stores decorated for Christmas, including Christmas Carols, I wonder who will still be in the Christmas Spirit by December 25th? I know there is a deadline for packages getting to their destination in time, and Christmas Cards reaching their destination in time, But wonder if Santa and his reindeer will reach their destination on time? Will his sleigh be so loaded down with gifts and toys that the poor reindeer won’t be able to fly? With all the shopping done now, will there be supplies available for the elf’s to make toys? With the prices going up for materials will the toys be smaller?

Only the Grinch knows

Have a wonderful, fun filled and relaxing rest of your day
