Friday, December 10, 2021 cloudy, drizzly cold 51 degrees 6:08 p.m.
The temperature says it isn’t that cold, but the damp weather makes if feel cold. It has been misting and sort of raining all day. The weatherman says that tomorrow will be the “big storm” in the way of rain. I will be home to watch it from the windows. Tina has to work but will be home by 9:30 so should be here before it really hits. Winter is upon us I think. We do have 11 more days until it is officially here.
Today Tina went to the doctor as did Jerry. he has a head cold but she has the Viral bronchitis so is on a Zee pack and steroids. Since she just started she should get over this real quick. I got the Zee pack and will start it tomorrow also. I can save it if I thinks I am better so shall see in the morning. I know I am better but not yet ready to go dancing. Maybe tomorrow.
Today’s Story: AUNTIE FLO
Every year on Christmas there’s a gift from Auntie Flo, She’s sent me pairs of underwear for three years in a row. The box is always beautiful, the bow is neatly tied, but i”m always disappointed when I see those shorts inside. I wish she’d send a model plane,, or even a big stuffed bear, I’d take a box of stones and rocks, but please! no underwear.
The weekend is upon us and I believe we will be close to home. We will work at getting well and also doing the cards and things that need to be completed. It will be nice to stay home and not have to go anyplace for two days. The cats had a wrestling match under the Christmas tree so have to fix the skirt. It is all bunched up. I am dreading placing packages under there as I know that Milo will want to sample each one. He likes to keep his shredding skills polished.
Have a great rest of your Friday and a wonderful, busy, fun and relaxing weekend.