Tuesday, December 14, 2021 Sunny, Bright, Cool 53 degrees 5:52 p.m.
I do believe my shopping is done. The stores are crowded, the cashiers overworked. The isles are full, mostly people,
the goods scattered heather and yon. There is plenty of stuff but maybe not what you want, I saw a wall mounted Scrabble game, and wonder how that would work? Tons of games and toys, a lot of things I hadn’t heard of before. One , who appears on everything from clothing to toys, bibs to purses, is YODA! No, I didn’t purchase him in any form. I was a bit on the practical side this year.
The weather is supposed to be great until Saturday when another storm comes through. Home is where I plan to be so I doubt the weather will interfere. Another cold front is due in and with it comes wind and rain. I pray that it isn’t as bad for people as the last one was. It will take years to get all that damage cleaned up and repaired and rebuild. Human life cannot be replaced but I am hoping that healing will slowly soften the harsh reality. My heart aches for all those affected by the tornadoes,
Up! UP! Up I jump and down the stairs I fly!
LOOK! LOOK! A brand new sled I can’t wait to try.
ZIP! ZIP! Bundle up, I’m toasty warm inside.
QUICK! QUICK! Out the door, then down the hill I’ll glide
Another good story from a Kindergarten prime, it what ever it was.
I understand that the West coast is in for some stormy weather, rain, snow, sleet and hail and probably wind. Bundle up and stay warm and safe out there. Winter is here, even though the calendar says we have seven days to go.
Have a great rest of your Tuesday, make it a pleasant, productive, kind and prosperous one