Thursday, December 16, 2021 Mostly Cloudy Windy 65 degrees 3:26 p.m.
there is a storm brewing, due in sometime later tonight. I think it is mostly rain and will be gone by mod morning tomorrow. There aren’t many leaves around but those that are , are going every which way. Milo would appreciate it if we would let the leaves in so he could chase them. Unlike Sierra, he doesn’t want to go outside as he hasn’t been other then to go to the vet. We aren’t kind enough to open the door and let the leaves in either.
We have out Christmas Tree up, in fact we have three of them up, and they look so pretty. The one we have had for many years and it is still looking good when decorated with the many ornaments. The lights are still bright and bubbly, changing colors and looking happy. Then we have the smaller white tree with lights and Tina’s Painted Pony Christmas ornaments on it and a gold star on top. It looks quite festive. This year a third tree was added. A 4 foot green tree with fiber optic lights. It is cute and has some small ornaments on it. I do believe that is enough trees for this house. Next is to place packages under the trees and see how Milo behaves. It would be so sad if he derided to shred the boxes as that is his favorite thing to do.
Oh, no one got my Christmas card. it’s making me upset.
I sent them off two weeks ago, but no one got them yet.
I drew a bunch of pictures and I wrote some poems that rhyme, I sent them off two weeks ago,, that should of been lots of time.
I mailed them to my cousins, to my uncles and my aunts; I sent them off TWO WEEKS ago, I think they’ve had their chance.
But no one got my Christmas cards, not mommy and not Gramps, I sent them off TWO WEEKS ago……..Did I forget the stamps?
Tomorrow is Friday and our day trip with Jerry so am not sure I will have a blog out. If not, have a great weekend and get that Christmas shopping done, Just 9 days left. Both KAY’S and JARED’S are always ready to welcome you in to their fine stores.
Have a wonderful rest of your Thursday. Make it a prosperous, pleasant, relaxing and fun day.