Tuesday, December 21, 2021 Cloudy Cold 18 degrees 4:09 p.m.

Today is a raw, cold day with no wind and heavy clouds. We are not expecting a storm as far as I know but it has been cold all day. I know that winter is here for sure. And today is the first day of the season! Of course they are saying that Christmas will be sixty plus degrees. We didn’t see daylight until after 8:00 a.m so you know it is the shortest day of the year. It is only a little after 4:00 p.m. and you know it will be dark soon. I’m not sure if that is the night falling or the clouds. Whichever , the lights will soon go on and evening will be upon us.

I do believe the shopping is done, the gifts are wrapped, the cards are mailed and the packages either delivered or on their way. I am sure there will be a few straggling cards to send or gifts to grab but at this moment we are all set. I do have some wrapping to do. And there is some baking to accomplish but nothing major and that has got to be a first for me. I am usually the last minute gal!


We were nervous and excited in assembly today, for our parents came to visit us and watch our Christmas play. Our teachers helped a little, but we did the most ourselves, the fattest kid played Santa and the smallest kids were elves.A few were Santa’s reindeer so they got to run and leap, some of us were shepherds, and a bunch were wooly sheep, there was Jesus in the manger, there were angles wearing wings, there was Joseph, there was Mary. and the three wise Eastern kings. We wore makeup, we wore costumes, it was really lots of fun., and our parents all applauded when our Christmas play was done. Then we took our bows together, everyone that is, but me – I just stood there green and fragrant for I played the Christmas Tree!

Have a wonderful rest of your Tuesday. Celebrate the first day of Winter and all the beauty of the season. Remember to be kind and cheerful and spread joy wherever you go.
