Thursday, December 23, 2021 Cool, Breezy Sunny 51 degrees 5:24 p.m.
The day started out cold with a temperature of 25, then gradually warmed up to 55 and is now starting to cool down again. It has been a busy and productive day and for that I am thankful. All the Christmas Shopping, wrapping and mailing is completed and the house is more or less straightened up, looking like humans live here. I like it. We can now enjoy the fire place and the Christmas tree and decorations throughout the house.
The neighborhood is quiet. I saw two little girls out riding their bikes a bit ago, and a lady walking her dog about an hour ago. Either people aren’t home from work or shopping or they are gone for the holidays. I, myself, am glad we are home and not out on the highways and byways. The news said that the traffic is heavy on the roads, in the air and by train. Home is where the car and us are this evening.
The day after tomorrow is Christmas. The wrapping paper will be piled high and the children cheering and laughing over the most wanted and wished for gift from Santa. I can’t believe that here all is finished and Santa can relax. The usual is me late on Christmas Eve, wrapping and fussing and fuming, wishing I had gotten the whole thing done last July or at least as I bought gifts. It is also the remembering and finding where I hid them. This year was so much better as I knew where I put things and slowly got all in order. So Nice
I hope that each of you are all ready for Christmas and are enjoying this beautiful evening with a nice dinner and a warm and cozy fireside, watching a good movie. Now, I am going to go watch the news and look forward to Jeopardy and see if that smart lady can continue her winning streak.
Have a great rest of your day. Make it profitable, relaxing, cheerful and fun.