Monday, December 27, 2021 Cloudy sprinkles slight breeze 66 degrees 4:48 p.m.
The above picture is of the square in Helen Georgia. They had the whole town decorated for Christmas and it was so pretty. Every store, every building , every yard, all decorated with care and good taste. such a charming place to visit. I hope to go back one day. The shops are great and the ice cream cone a delight!
Christmas 2021 is not in the history books. I hope all had a wonderful one and Santa brought you just what you asked for! Or wanted. Ours here was very good. We got up and enjoyed our coffee and then opened our presents that were under our tree. After that and a bite of breakfast, we showered and dressed and set off for Clinton to pick up Dottie and Max, then off to Jerry and Tammy’s home. They had the house so nicely de orated and wonderful smells of food cooking.
we all, dogs included, gathered in the living room to open gifts . It was fun to see what everyone received. Santa brought a pressure washer for the families to share so I do believe that means work for us all. What a great gift as here one needs to keep the buildings clean and free of mold and such. It is a rainy part of the country. Also driveways and sidewalks cleaned as well as car ports and garages.
Tina received the frying pan/cooking pan of her dreams and she is thrilled over it. I got the electric dustpan, called an EYE-VAC. It is like the ones you see in the beaut y shops. I and my back love it! I do believe all the gifts were given with thought and all were very useful.
Then we went and sat down at the dining table and ate. We had roasted turkey, dumplings, mashed potatoes, gravy, dressing rolls, green beans, macaroni salad, cranberries, and I can’t remember what all else. A wonderful desert, a pumpkin cake. All was so good and Was so full. We got home just at dark and in time for the World News. A great day, believe me.
I am watching for the postman, who is very late today. I guess there is a lot of mail considering that he had Saturday and Sunday off. I know he and his co-workers really deserved the two days off as they worked long hours from October until Christmas Day. I also think we have a new mailman as the other one retired. He will be missed.
Have a great rest of your day. Make it a productive, fun, cheerful and pleasant one.