Tuesday, December 28, 2021 Cloudy Windy Warm 68 degrees 3:46 p.m.
I am watching the wind blow the leaves around and the flags whirl every which way. I know that a storm is on it’s way in and will probably arrive this evening or very early morning. It will be rain and thunderstorms. Unlike the western half of the United States, we won’t get snow this time. Bur flooding here and there is a possibility.
There isn’t a whole lot of excitement around here still. Some people are back to work and some are still off or gone for the holidays. The ones that are gone probably took their dogs with them as not too many are being walked. Ir is pretty bad when you know the dogs but not their masters.
This morning we saw two Blue Jays out here ratting and flying around., chasing the little brown and gray birds off the bird feeder. Then we saw the squirrel out here hunting food. he wasn’t to interested in Bill’s bird seed so guess it isn’t fresh enough. He prefers it right after it gets filled. That might be awhile. We only fill them when they re empty.
I have to say I do love the new “dust pan”. It is really the very neatest, most back saving, energy saving gadget ever invented. The floors will surly be swept daily since that has entered the house. Pir whole downstairs is hardwood and that requires sweeping. Since the floors are old and need replace I am sure, sweeping works better then the dust mop and even the vacuum. When we hit the lottery we will replace the floors.
Have a great rest of your day. Make it pleasurable, pleasant, and productive.