Thursday, December 30, 2021 Rain and Clouds most of the day. Now the sun came out. 64 degrees 4:52 p.m.
we started ht day by taking all the stuff off the Christmas Tree and getting it packed carefully, ready to put away. We packed up the rest of the stuff yesterday. Jerry was here bright and early, took the tree down and got it in the new Christmas tree bag . It fit great. Much better then the old one. Then he went up in the attic and informed up that there wasn’t much room up there for anything. There is two boxes of paints and two or three drawers up there that one day we will have to get down and dispose of. So the next step was to re-arrange she storage shed to accommodate all the Christmas totes and the trees. Now all is done and put away neatly. Thank you Jerry. After that we all went to breakfast at I=Hop.
When we got home we cleaned the living room and put things back where they belonged. We had company for a while which was great as we don’t get to see her often and do enjoy her company. We have a lot to do but will take our time and get it the way we want it while going through all and probably getting rid of a bunch of unused stuff. The things we didn’t remember we had and no longer can use, etc.
Weather is to be nice until late tomorrow night and into Saturday. That is when the next storm arrives and brings us rain, wind and winter like temperatures. Our Dogwood tree has buds on it so wonder if the winter weather will kill the tree?…
Have a wonderful rest of you day. Make it productive, safe, healthy and fun.