HAPPY NEW YEAR, Friday, December 31`, 2021 Cloudy, Wintry looking, 60 degrees 4:21 p.m.
It is hard to believe that New Year’s Eve is here and another year is passing into the history books. It has been quite a year. We have experienced stores with empty shelves, cargo ships clogging the ports with merchandise needed by stores and hospitals, factories and farms. We have seen people unwilling to return to their jobs, preferring to sit home and either work from home or live on the stimulant checks provided by the government. It seems that every business has a sign in their window ” we are hiring”. There are those same signs along the highways and streets. Hospitals are once again over crowded with COVID patience. Governors asking, begging, bribing people to get the vaccinations and boosters. Masks are required most places and most people wear them.
On the bright side, more people are cooking and eating at home, Families actually visiting and caring about how everyone’s day was. The babysitting business is so expensive that many moms and dads are electing to work from home and children are being raised by their parents rather then a day care center or babysitter. Schools have been virtual most of the time so computers are now a necessity rather then a want by kids. Sadly the social aspect isn’t there. Home schooling is as much a lesson for the parents as well as the children.
We have lost many important , people this year, both personal, political and entertainers. Loosing the personal ones, family members and friends are felt the most. the country feels the loss of the rest. My prayers go out to the families and friends of those who have passed on. I hope and pray that 2022 brings in peace and health to all. That COVID and all it’s strains fade into history. I wish each one a Very Happy New Year and a safe and fun New Year’s Eve.
My last Blog of 2021.