Monday, January 31, 2022 Sunny, Beautiful Calm 50 degrees 5:22 p.m.
I have to say, it was freezing when I got up this morning. 22 degrees isn’t warm in my book. As the day progressed, the sun came out and warmed thing up quite nicely. The cats so enjoyed laying in the windows, basking in the sun, soaking up the warmth and vitamin D. I enjoyed the sun helping go warm up the house and brighten the place up. So nice.
Even though it was freezing cold and dreary, it was a good weekend. We got some snow but not a great deal. I thought we would wake up Sunday morning with a foot of the white stuff but we barely got an inch if that much. The cold made it this far but not as bad as some places. I think our low here was 16 degrees where as some places were below 0 and colder. We live in the “tropics of East Tennessee”. The roads were treated so not much worry about icy roads here but other places had the icy roads because the treatment didn’t do so well in the below zero weather. Tina made it to work on Saturday morning, and back home safely.
Sunday was much better but still very cold, got up to 31 here for the high. We made a quick trip to CVS and to Walmart and back home. That was after Tina got home from work. For the most part we stayed in cuddled up in our chairs with warm throws, watching recorded TV programs. We switched back and forth to the ball games. The Rams and Bengals are in the Super Bowl, the Big Game of the Year. I like both sheep and cats, so may the better animal win.
Our little animal farm up the Turnpike from us has a mommy goat and three babies. They are so cute! We just love driving by and seeing all the animals grazing so contentedly. And they all get along so well. The miniature donkeys are there as their guardians. The sheep, lambs, goats, lamas and chickens all roam the pasture together, very happily.
Today I went to the shoulder doctor. He is so nice, so young, so professional. He had me get e-rays of my shoulder again and said that there is a bit more wear and tear bu since I can still use it without much trouble he doesn’t see a need for surgery. I wouldn’t be having rotatercup surgery as I do not have a rotater cup. I guess it has worn away. He is amazed that I can move my are at all much less do everything I would normally do with the exception of being able to fasten the seat belt. So weird. anyhow, I guess I will have to think about surgery on it in the future but not now.
Have a great rest of your day. Make it a sunny, warm, fun, and productive one,