Monday, January 17, 2022 Cloudy Cold Breezy 32 Degrees 4:19 p.m.
32 degrees is our high for the day. We got about half an inch of snow right here. Other parts of Oak Ridge received an inch or more. It is cold and really feels like winter. I made a brief trip to the garbage and found out that when the weatherman said it was freezing outside he wasn’t fooling. It is that bone chilling cold. Even Sierra and Milo don’t want to sit by the window and look out. Of course, the birds aren’t out either.
Tina was quite concerned about the icy roads and driveway when she went to bed. The driveway is a down slop and I would think be a bit icy as it was covered with snow. So she woke up, looked at the clock and thought it said 3:30. She got up, showered, dressed, came downstairs, turned on the coffee, made her lunch and breakfast, fixed her coffee, got her coat and gloves on and went out to the car. She is sitting there warming the car up and looks at the car clock. It says 3:30. She thought that was silly and wrong so she looked at her phone and it also said 3:30/ She turned off the car, came back in, turned on the TV and watched the news until 4:30 . Then she left for work! She was quit upset with herself. She said that from now on she will put her glasses on when she looks at the clock. She was wondering why the alarm hadn’t gone off.
Since this is soup, stew, beans weather I will put a pot of beans on first thing in the morning. By the time she gets home at 2:00 or 2:30 p.m. our meal will be ready. She is working from 5:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. tomorrow. The rest of the week will be 5:00 a.m. until 9:00 a.m. unless they are short handed, then she will work until whenever. Between being ill and in-passable roads there are a lot who haven’t been able to get to work.
Today philosophy;
To be too large for worry. too noble for anger, to strong for fear, and to happy to permit the presence of trouble.
This is the last of the PROMISE YOURSELF philosophy items. They came from a card that was my mother’s and I thought we could all use the good thoughts for ourselves. I found it in one of her many recipe boxes. I hope you enjoyed each one and that maybe got a little bit out of them.
Have a great rest of your Monday. Make it a warm, cozy, comfortable, cheery and fun day.