Friday, January 21, 2021 Cold Windy, Frozen puddles 29 degrees 5:40 p.m.
Friday is here. The start of the weekend. It is going to be a cold but supposedly dry weekend. Several events have been canceled due to cold temperatures and icy roads. Most of this part of the country is mountains with windy, steep roads, and mostly two lane. So safety first. That is why they closed the school when the weather is “bad” in winter. The dome light goes on!
It has been a pretty good week, and a productive one on my part. I accomplished several chores I have been needing to get done. It is a good feeling to accomplish something. The only mishap is that a closet door has come off. It is standing but not usable until we get someone over here to fix it. The door can neither be opened wider or closed shut. If one tries, it will fall! That isn’t bad for a whole week, I don’t think.
Tina had a dental appointment this afternoon, so I went with her and did some reading while she was in getting her mouth stretched. Afterwards we went to Jerry’s and visited for a couple of hours and then home. We always have fun playing with the dogs and visiting. Finley is always playing fetch or tug of war. Lacy wants to play also but only for a short time and seems to loose track of the toy and what she is doing. So she goes to someone’s lap to get cuddled and petted. Murphy just wants to be comfortable and in or near a lap and get petted. He loves his chin scratched. They all look so cute in their long john pj’s. Lacy’s is pink, Murphy’s i red and Findley’s is green. Finley thinks it is a bit warm with them on but the other two love theirs and won’t let you take them off.
Jerry’s downstairs heat has been off for over a week now. they are waiting for a part to come in. In the meantime they use the gas fireplace and small electric heaters downstairs and it helps some. I sure hope they get the part in soon and will be back to enjoying their home again. I am thankful they have a fireplace and can use it. Meantime Lacy and Murphy each have a small doggie bed, one on each side of one of the heaters. Finley will lay sort of close, but not to close as she has lots of fur. She is boarder collie and corgi. She looks the perfect boarder collie but the short legs of the corgi.
Time to have dinner and then watch the news. Have a great weekend. Stay warm, safe, healthy, and energetic. And have fun!