Thursday, January 20, 2022 cloudy breezy cold 27 degrees 8:10 p.m.
A definite winter day. Our high was early this morning at37 degrees. We will be in the teens tomorrow morning. An Arctic cold front i s slowly passing threw, leaving and frigged air behind. According to the weatherman we will have a cold weekend and well into next week. This is like being in Tahoe only more humid.
I am accomplishing quite a bit while staying in and warm and dry. I have cleaned out two closets and two cupboards and one drawer. I have done a bunch of shredding and throwing and have a sack for Karns. I have managed to keep my daily planner up to date. I usually get about a week into the new year and then forget it. So, now to see what I tackle tomorrow. Tina has to be at work at 5:00 a.m. and then has a dentist appointment at noon so she won’t be home until after that. At least that is what it sounds like right now.
There is a family who live up the street that have a big pit bull. they faithfully walk that dog several times a day, rain or shine, or cold. The dog loves it and would only be happier if they would move faster or let her loose to run. She doesn’t seem to mind the cold or the rain or the snow. the ones who walk her, be it mom or the two girls or the dad, don”t seem to mind the cold either as they seldom have even a sweater on much less a coat. Just shorts or jeans and a tee shirt. I freeze just seeing them walk by. They are very nice and pleasant. the dog is very protective so we don’t go to close, just say hi when we are out and they are out.
Here it is after 8:00 p.m.. Tina has gone to bed and the cats think that I should go up stairs and keep them company, give treats and settle in for the night. I am going to oblige them as it is warmer upstairs then down. So have a wonderful, safe, warm, cozy, and fun rest of your Thursday