Tuesday, January 18, 2022 Mostly sunny On the cold side 42 degrees 4:28 p.m.
With the sun shining there are people out walking the dogs as well as just out walking for the exercise. A lot of the snow is gone in the front yard but there is still some on roofs and in places where the sun doesn’t hit. Tomorrow is to be warmer and rain returns in the afternoon. They are still warning for drivers to watch out for black ice as it will freeze again tonight. Right now, it is beautiful while looking out the window.
I will walk up and get the mail when the mailman gets here. He is a bit slow, but since yesterday was a holiday he probably has a lot of mail to deliver. I forgot yesterday was a holiday so was waiting for the mail to be delivered. Tina stopped on her way home this afternoon and there wasn’t any mail. I finally remembered yesterday being a holiday. I find I kept track of the days better when working.
Tina had to go to Walmart to pick up some stuff for a project at work. While there she checked the cat food to see if they had what the cats like. They did so she bought all they had, 38 cans. It cost her $30.00. These cats need to go to work or change their diet to people food. I wonder how they would like beans?
I also heard that the grocery store shelves are mostly empty because people are staying home and cooking their meals rather then going out to eat. I like doing both, and find that either is expensive. The home cooked meals are lovely as you can sit home and be comfy. The eating our is lovely, too. But you do have to get dressed, (out of the comfy pj’s and slippers). In eating out one can order what one wants and have it prepared for them, then leave the dishes for someone else to do. It keeps the kitchen nice and clean.
The mailman just delivered a package to us as well as the mail so I won’t have to go up to the mailbox. It is cold outside as I went out to get the package. I am not shivering. Yes, the heat thermostat went up to 69. It has been nice in here all day with the sun shining in. The sun is slowly getting ready to warm the other side of the world so it has gotten cooler in here.
Have a great rest of your Tuesday. Make it productive, agreeable, achievable, cheerful and fun.