Wednesday, January 12, 2022 Sunny, Windy Blue skies 51 degrees 4:18 p.m.
It is another beautiful cold winter day here in East Tennessee. The weatherman said that tomorrow we will have scattered showers. It will be colder and there might be snow flurries. Winter is still here and that is fine as it is January. I feel bad for the folks that are having such miserably freezing temperatures and no electricity. That part of winter I dislike.
On the news this morning they were telling about people quitting their jobs to find better paying ones or staying home, working from home or not being able to find child care that they could afford. It seems like everywhere we go there are “Hiring” signs and “Help wanted” signs. In stores we find many empty shelves and very few people working. I wonder what will happen when we have no stores to shop in, no groceries to buy to feed our families and everyone wondering what happened to the big wages they had to have? Robots can’t do everything.
Our garbage man comes once a week. It is just one man and he has the “grabber” that picks up the can, dumps the garbage sacks in the back of the truck and puts it back. Then the recycle men (2) come and one drives the truck and the other picks up the can and dumps the recycle stuff into the back of the truck. I guess the recycle hasn’t gotten the “grabber” for the truck as yet. That is automation. No robot there so far.
Today’s philosophy:
To forget about the mistakes of the past and press on to the great achievements of the future.
Have a wonderful rest of your Wednesday. Make it a winning, adventurous, glorious and fun day.