Wednesday, January 5, 2022 Cold, Windy Storm a-coming 48 degrees 6:01 p.m.
Yes, it has been a winter day, wind was chilly and sun not very warm. However the Wondering Jew got to go out for a few hours. It does like the sun. I stayed in with my foot propped up for the most part. It feels fine but still need to keep it propped up more then hanging down or standing on it for more then a minute. I can feel it but it isn’t particularity painful, just a bit uncomfortable. Two more days. Then I should be back to normal in my own shoe.
Dottie and dog Max were over today. We watched Nash Bridges movie. It was good. Had lunch, Taco Boats. and Monkey bread for desert. It is always fun to have them visit and we will soon be starting to work on some craft projects. We both have things t get together for what we want to make. It will be fun.
Other then that I haven’t done much exciting today. When sitting with your foot propped up there isn’t much you can do but read, visit and watch TV. All the upcoming excitement is a winter storm is brewing and we will be under a winter storm advisory starting at 10:00 a.m. tomorrow. We might get snow. That will be pretty as long as I am inside and it is outside. Walking in snow in this sandal wouldn’t be much fun I don’t think.
The philosophy for today:
To make all your friends feel that they have something special in them.
Have a wonderful rest of your Wednesday. I hope that your weather is beautiful, and your first five days of the new year are the very best.