Wednesday, February 22, 2022 Cloudy Windy Cool 63 Degrees 5:52 p.m.
The weatherman said that it would be partly sunny and partly cloudy, windy with gusts up to 30 mph, but a nice day and warmer. Well, We had a bit of sun this morning, on and off. Then it just went away and became cloudy and windy and chilly the rest of the day. I know that 63 degrees sounds warm but with the wind blowing and the clouds, it isn’t warm. A jacket feels mighty good.
The above picture is like the moon looks like from my bedroom window. It is so awesome and bright. I see it around 5:30 to 6:00 in the morning. The trees are part of my view also. It is so nice to be able to see green trees and grass and the moon or in the afternoon, early evening, the sun setting. No complaints.
I am working on a couple of projects that have been in the works for three years. My mother was given a BIRTHDAY BOOK from my aunt for Christmas in 1946. She had kept it up until she passed in 2001. I have kept it up ever since, but it is showing wear and I don’t want to have it totally fall apart, so I am continuing it in a new book, not as nice as hers, but will have all the important information in it and keep it up dated. So it is slow going but I hope to get it finished this winter or early spring. Each page has a small prayer and a bible verse on it. That is what is taking the time. I hope to pass it on to one of my kids or grand kids to carry on the family information.
Have a great rest of you day. Make it a positive, cheerful, joyous, exhilarating and fun day.