Thursday, February 17, 2022 Cloudy Chilly Windy 66 degrees 4:37 p.m.
Yes, I know that 66 degrees sounds like it should be on the warmish side, but it isn’t. The breeze is cool. It is, however, warmer outside then inside, and we have the heater going. The warmest room in the house is the powder room, and it is postage size. I think it might be a bit warmer upstairs as I haven’t been up there since this morning. I hope that the heater isn’t going out. A new furnace isn’t in this years house budget.
This morning we went to Kroger’s for groceries and got our morning sticker shock. What use to be a $3.59 box of cereal is now $5.49. For Cheerios! That is outrageous! Everything is now much higher then it was last week and I am sure that it will get worse before it gets better. I can see beans and corn bread in the future. I have also noticed that what is out there is probably what they have had for a while, like a year or more on some things. Other things are from the Holiday season and are now out because there is nothing else to put there. There are a lot of empty shelves or shelves with only one or two items on them. The shelves that are full are the items like chips and candy and such. Bakery items seem to be plentiful. What fresh fruits and veggies that they had looked tired. Can you see the sign on the front of all the major grocery stores,” Closed do to all empty shelves.!” What a sad thought.
We just might plant our own garden in pots. Our front flowerbed will be veggies and flowers. We need the pollinators to come and pollinate the plants so we can have a good crop. That way we can have butterflies, bees, hummingbirds, gold finches, moths, etc helping us with the good veggies and we all get fed!
Tina just announced that dinner is ready. Chicken, rice, salad and veggie. Sounds good to me. Have a wonderful rest of your day. Make it industries, instructive, active, interesting and fun.