Thursday, February 24, 2022 Cloudy Rainy Under Flood warning 54 Degrees 5:29 p.m.
And the wind is up. It is a good day to stay indoors and pray that the water stays outdoors. It has come up to the door but then receded to the grass and then back again, a few times. this is to go on for the next day or two or more.
I understand that Las Vegas had snow flurries earlier and that the mountains are covered with snow. The whole United States is experiencing weird weather this winter. The hot then cold then hot again makes it hard to know what to wear. We dress normal but always have a jacket with us. And a rain coat and umbrella in the car. So different from Nevada.
I feel bad for the people of the Ukraine. I was hoping that Russia would of learned that war is not the way and would be satisfied with what he has. I am glad we are not going to war with them but do know that sanctions must be steep and swift and held firmly. All are in my prayers.
Time to go to the kitchen and think about dinner. Have a great rest of your day. Make it fun, warm, cheerful, and productive.