Friday, February 25, 2022 Sunshine Blue Jays Flying 46 degrees 5:01 p.m.
After a rainy morning and a cloudy first part of the afternoon, the sun has come out and is so pretty. There is a breeze so it is cool. Am enjoying the sun shine. The weatherman is warning of more rain ahead for parts of tomorrow and Sunday. We shall see.
After having a horrible nightmare early this morning I spent most of the day at the ER. My nightmare was of a big burly man crushing me, telling me to move off the property because he wanted it. He had a family! He had me pinned down and I was trying to fight him off with my left hand and arm. Finally I succeeded and he stocked away towards a pick-up truck with people in it. I woke up, of course, with heart palatalization and my arm was hurting. I finally got caught up with myself and decided it was time to get up. When I got down stairs I told Tina abut my dream and that my arm still hurt and I felt drained. We decided that it would be wise to go to ER and check to see if I had had a heart attack.
Once there, my blood pressure was 200 + over 89, so an EKG and blood work was the order of the day. After three tests of the blood (taken 3 different times), and a few blood pressure checks, the results was that I didn’t have a heart attack, and my blood pressure came down significantly, so I could go home but I have a cardiologist doctor appointment at 10:15 Monday morning. That was my Friday. After I was released Tina and I went to the Soup Kitchen and got clam chowder and a sandwich. Then came home. So good to be home!
The rest of the evening will be spent relaxing and watching a couple programs on television before bedtime. That I hope to enjoy a good and dreamless nights sleep tonight.
Have a wonderful rest of your Friday and a spectacular, safe, healthy, adventurous and fun weekend.