Monday, February 21, 2022 Cloudy Windy Rain Expected 62 degrees 5:21 p.m.

I hope all had a wonderful 3 day holiday. Here, all is well. the weekend was good. Saturday Tammy and Dotty came over and we worked on learning how to use the Circut l Explore Air 2. It is quite a machine and there is a lot to learn. I know that once I get the hang of it I will enjoy using all the many patterns and ideas that are presented with it. We had a good time with ti and managed to make sort of letters that are fancy. We will keep practicing. Tammy and I went to Chic Filet and got lunch for all, then came home, ate and gabbed. It was a great afternoon.

Sunday Tina and I were up at 4:30 to watch Charles Stanley. she left for work at 6:30 a.m. and I did the household chores and took a shower and got dressed. when she got home she got ready. Tammy came by at 1:15 to pick us up, then on to Dottie’s to pick her up and off we went to the Coliseum in Knoxville to watch the Ice Bears and a team from Kentucky fight it out on the ice. Ice Hockey was fun. We thoroughly enjoyed the game and the fans and the music and the cheers, etc. Afterwards we went to a nice Mexican restaurant in Powell and enjoyed a great meal. Of course we topped it off with sharing two Fried ice creams. Then home. The cats had a late dinner. But what a great day!

Today has been quiet and nice. The morning was mostly sunny but late morning the clouds moved in and the sun hid behind the clouds. the wind comes up and it is now looking like the rain will arrive most any minute. This is to be an on again off again rainy week with the weekend really rainy. But the rain brings the flowers so it is all well.

Now it is kitchen time and then the news and what ever evening programs we choose to watch. The temperature is dropping and I think it is time to up the thermostat and get ready for the evening. Have a great rest of your day/ Make it a spectacular. fun filled, safe, and healthy one,




Friday, February 18, 2022 cloudy cold breezy 36 degrees 4:22 p.m.

The weatherman said that our high would be in the 40’s today. It is 36 now and it was only 37 for a high. the cold is the bone chilling cold, raw and very much like an Antarctic cold. (My opinion). Tina said that we had snow flurries earlier and I don’t doubt it. It could snow I think.

Today was bone density day. That procedure took about ten minutes. The ride there and back was pretty. The scenery is always so pretty, regardless of the weather. It is about a twenty minute trip each way. The tech said the doctor would get the results this afternoon and I should hear from him next week. He will probably tell me I still have bones. ????!!!!

We are preparing for the weekend. Saturday, tomorrow, Tammy and Dottie are coming over and we are going to work on the Cricut. I am the pupil and Tammy the teacher. Tina will probably join us for lessons as we can both think of things to do with the knowledge gained from these lessons on the Cricut l /explore Air 2.

On Sunday Tina, Tammy, Dottie and I are going to the Hockey Game, then out to dinner. Tina is so excited that she can hardly wait. It should be a fun day and probably a cold day, at least at the game. Dottie and I are thinking of dressing warm, like long johns, sweat pants, warm fuzzy sweaters, jackets and fur lined boots. Jerry said that we won’t be ON THE ICE! One never knows. Tina hasn’t said where we are dining at. You will get the report on all the happenings on Monday.

Off to the kitchen. Have a great rest of your day and weekend. Make it a happy, healthy, cheerful, safe and fun one.




Thursday, February 17, 2022 Cloudy Chilly Windy 66 degrees 4:37 p.m.

Yes, I know that 66 degrees sounds like it should be on the warmish side, but it isn’t. The breeze is cool. It is, however, warmer outside then inside, and we have the heater going. The warmest room in the house is the powder room, and it is postage size. I think it might be a bit warmer upstairs as I haven’t been up there since this morning. I hope that the heater isn’t going out. A new furnace isn’t in this years house budget.

This morning we went to Kroger’s for groceries and got our morning sticker shock. What use to be a $3.59 box of cereal is now $5.49. For Cheerios! That is outrageous! Everything is now much higher then it was last week and I am sure that it will get worse before it gets better. I can see beans and corn bread in the future. I have also noticed that what is out there is probably what they have had for a while, like a year or more on some things. Other things are from the Holiday season and are now out because there is nothing else to put there. There are a lot of empty shelves or shelves with only one or two items on them. The shelves that are full are the items like chips and candy and such. Bakery items seem to be plentiful. What fresh fruits and veggies that they had looked tired. Can you see the sign on the front of all the major grocery stores,” Closed do to all empty shelves.!” What a sad thought.

We just might plant our own garden in pots. Our front flowerbed will be veggies and flowers. We need the pollinators to come and pollinate the plants so we can have a good crop. That way we can have butterflies, bees, hummingbirds, gold finches, moths, etc helping us with the good veggies and we all get fed!

Tina just announced that dinner is ready. Chicken, rice, salad and veggie. Sounds good to me. Have a wonderful rest of your day. Make it industries, instructive, active, interesting and fun.




Wednesday, February 22, 2022 Cloudy Windy Cool 63 Degrees 5:52 p.m.

The weatherman said that it would be partly sunny and partly cloudy, windy with gusts up to 30 mph, but a nice day and warmer. Well, We had a bit of sun this morning, on and off. Then it just went away and became cloudy and windy and chilly the rest of the day. I know that 63 degrees sounds warm but with the wind blowing and the clouds, it isn’t warm. A jacket feels mighty good.

The above picture is like the moon looks like from my bedroom window. It is so awesome and bright. I see it around 5:30 to 6:00 in the morning. The trees are part of my view also. It is so nice to be able to see green trees and grass and the moon or in the afternoon, early evening, the sun setting. No complaints.

I am working on a couple of projects that have been in the works for three years. My mother was given a BIRTHDAY BOOK from my aunt for Christmas in 1946. She had kept it up until she passed in 2001. I have kept it up ever since, but it is showing wear and I don’t want to have it totally fall apart, so I am continuing it in a new book, not as nice as hers, but will have all the important information in it and keep it up dated. So it is slow going but I hope to get it finished this winter or early spring. Each page has a small prayer and a bible verse on it. That is what is taking the time. I hope to pass it on to one of my kids or grand kids to carry on the family information.

Have a great rest of you day. Make it a positive, cheerful, joyous, exhilarating and fun day.
