Wednesday, March 2, 2022 Setting Sun Blue skies, 70 Degrees 6:11 p.m.
Today was so warm and nice. Being outdoors was invigorating. The birds are building nests in the Cedar (Bird Condo) and one can tell spring is right around the corner. Diana is starting her garden and Bryan is training for his upcoming fight towards the end of the month. All is good.
Not a lot of news around here. Both Tina and I went to the “back doctor this afternoon. Her a follow=up after the shots he out in. Mine was a followup from the shots he put in in November. We both are going to have to have them again. they work until we feel fine and go do something silly,, like rearrange the furniture. (me) and she derided to paint the inside of the upper kitchen cabinets. This time I will work harder at behaving myself.
Dinner was good this evening. Crackpot cube steak with rice, gravy and french cut green beans. A simple meal but filling and very tasty. Desert will be strawberry short cake, using angel food cake. Water to drink. After desert I will do the dishes. Tina did the cooking so I will do the dishes.
The house is clean so I do believe tomorrow will be laundry day. It will be the first day that I am home all day and that is important in order to get it all done, washed, dried and put away. Oh, the excitement of it all.
Have a great rest of you Wednesday. Make it a prosperous, productive, pleasant, and fun day.
Remember, Life is a blank canvas; throw all the paint on it that you can. (Danny Kaye…1913-1987)