Wednesday, March 23, 2022 Sunny Windy Clear 71 Degrees 7:23 p.m.

I am late today with this blog. It has been a busy day around here. I did some more on the spring cleaning and each little things is an accomplishment. I was on the phone a bit and also on e-mail. Minnesota had snow this morning I was told. So funny to hear that when here we had rain this morning. Joe said that it was cloudy there and that he thought they were to get rain in Kansas today. The weatherman said that the western part of the United States was hotter then usual. He did mention Yuma.

My neighbor, Pam, came over around noon, brought lunch, and we played Yahtzee. It was fun. She is off work until the 20th as she broke her hand and it is in a cast almost up to her elbow. So she was board and wanting something to do. I thought it was great. We had a good afternoon. After four games we went and visited the hospital and then the pet store for cat food. The cats now have a change of diet as we can’t get what they like the most. Poor kitties.

This evening is supper, dishes and TV. Bed by ten I hope. I am not sure what is on TV but I am sure I will find something good. Probably a recording. We record a lot of programs as we normally go to bed early and miss the good shows like INCS, etc. I may do a bit of catching up on them.

Today’s quote: If all I am remembered for is being a good basketball player, then I’ve done a bad job with the rest of my life. Isian Thomas Professional Basketball Player.

Have a joyful rest of your day. Make it a energetic, pleasurable, interesting and fun.




Tuesday, March 22, 2022 Clouds moving in Rain soon here 76 degrees 5:42 p.m.

The day was sunny and beautiful, warm and very nice to be outdoors. Now the promised rain storm is slowly moving in and the presiding clouds are quietly gliding across the sky, getting a bit grayer as they slowly float on. Conley came and mowed the lawn today so now it will be watered. There could be high winds tonight and into the morning along with the rain, but the high winds will mostly be in the mountains.

We have had a quiet day here. Tina is suffering with dizziness, or light headed so is seeking medical help for that. She was sure that getting the cortisone shots in her neck area would clear up the dizziness but it hasn’t done so. She is currently undergoing tests to hopefully find out the cause and then cure the problem. I do hope they do so quickly.

The spring cleaning is coming along slowly. I figure that I will have all the drawers cleaned out by the time summer arrives. I do hope I have a lot more then that done. There are a lot of drawers in this house.

The quote of the day: I’ve always tried to go a step past wherever people expected me to end up. Beverly Sills, Opera Singer.

Have a super rest of your Tuesday. Make it a special, adventurous, exciting, and fun.


MONDAY, MARCH 21, 2022


Monday, March 21, 2022 High clouds Calm Warm 68 degrees 6:38 p.m.

It has been a beautiful second day of spring. Saturday, the last day of winter, felt like winter with a very cold wind, rain and just miserable in the weather aspect. Sunday was cool and very breezy but sunny and cheerful. Sunshine always cheers the day up.

It was a busy weekend. Friday evening Jerry, Tammy and Dottie came for corned beef and cabbage dinner. It was so good. Dottie brought a blueberry and peach cobbler that was wonderful, and Jerry and Tammy brought the dinner salad with honey mustard dressing that complimented the main course and was so fresh and tasty. What a great meal with great people. It was a fun evening.

Saturday with the rain and cold wind, Tina worked from 5 a.m. until 9, then got home about 10. she took a nap, then we went to Walmart as she was hunting a tray with a cross on it, and I needed birthday wrapping paper and a couple of kid cards. I got what I went after but she didn’t find what she was looking for. So we went to Hobby Lobby. There she found a tray and a cross so will combine the two and make the tray she needed. I found a birdhouse so it is up and I think there are prospects of new tenets. So exciting.

After all that we went and got nails done, then home. Sunday Jerry and Tammy dropped by for a couple of minutes and that was all the excitement. We caught up on some of the recorded shows. All in all a great weekend.

Now it is Monday and I have started my Spring Cleaning. So far I have two drawers cleaned out. Also had company and talked on the phone. Not bad for the first day.

I hope that you are having a great start to spring and the week. Just in case you are interested, today is Benito Juarez’s birthday. It is celebrated in Mexico. Another piece of useless information, unless you happen to go on Jeopardy.

The Quote for the day: Success isn’t permanent and failure isn’t fatal. Mike Ditka Professional football coach.

FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 2022


Friday, March 18, 2022 Cloudy Cool Calm rain-sh 60 Degrees 4:08

It is a very cool, damp, gray and dreary day here in East Tennessee. It rained most of the morning and should be raining again late tonight into tomorrow morning. Then a cold front comes through and we will be back into the 50’s for a high for a couple of days. The weather is still a roll-a-coaster ride.

Both Tina and I had our cortisone shots and feel pretty good but a bit weird after. It will take a day or two for them to settle in and us get use to the effect, hopefully lack of pain in back and thigh and hip. Tina is neck and arms.

Tonight we are having our Corned beef and cabbage. It is smelling really good. Dottie is already here and Jerry and Tammy will be here as soon as she gets off work. Dottie brought Blueberry & peach cobbler. It looks yummy! That will be dessert.

The wind just picked up and it is rustling the limb from the cedar tree. We hope that it all it does. I hate that a limb broke on that tree. It is so big and home to so many different birds. Also great shade which we all love, especially in the summer.

Time to get busy. Besides, Milo is wanting to help me type.

Quote for today: When you reach for the stars you may not quite get one, but you won’t come up with a hand full of mud either. Leo Burnett (1891-1973) Advertising executive.

Have a fantastic Friday, and make it a great, exciting adventurous, relaxing and fun weekend.