Thursday, April 14, 2022 Sunshine, Windy Clear 67 Degrees 5:01 p.m.

A beautiful spring day. I woke up about 3:00 a.m. to the sound of heavy rain. It must of rained quite a bit as there were puddles everywhere outdoors when I got up at 7:00 a.m. I didn’t stay awake to listen to the beautiful sound of raindrops on the roof.

this morning we took Sierra to the vet. She likes her carrying case but not riding in the car. She was fine once we got in the examining room and she was let out of the case. She doesn’t like them looking at her gums, but other then that they could handle her. She had blood drawn, the fur clumps combed out and cut off her back, he back claws cut and she was a bit dehydrated so gave her a injection of water that will dispel over 24 hours. That was something new. They said that they would call tomorrow with the results of the blood test. She came home with us and both she and Milo seem to be happy she is home. We are. Right now she is curled up in her carrying case napping. Since she and Milo both like the carrying cases I think I might bring the other one in and let them use them.

Tina is at work and I am cleaning out the “sewing room” which is more or less a storage room where we seem to put anything we aren’t sure where to put.?. I sure can gather empty boxes of all sizes, shapes and colors. that is what I have gathered the most of so far. I am close to being finishes and will have all neat and tidy by bed time. Right now, it is close to dinner time and I need to go figure out just what I want for that meal.

Quote for the day: It is rather hard to take yourself too seriously when you look at the world from outer space. Thomas E. Mattingly, II, Apollo 16 astronaut

Have a beautiful, sunny, happy, positive and fun rest of your day.
